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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Testing Tools (Manual+Selenium ) on 27th Jan (Tuesday) 10:00AM-1:00PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Nagesh

Testing Tools  (Manual Testing with Selenium) Course Structure

Course Objectives:
This course is designed to train the fresher's, intermediate and professionals on  testing with the concepts of manual testing and Automation with Selenium. The main focus is, once the course is completed the candidate can go for the interview with lots of confidence in Testing concepts with Automation skills
Testing Tools Content (Manual with Selenium)
MANUAL TESTING                                   
  1. Introduction to Software Testing
  2. Product Vs Project
  3. What is Quality?
  4. Bug / Defect
  5. What is testing?
  6. Why Testing?

Software Development Life Cycle

Initial (or) Requirements phase

Analysis phase

Design phase

Coding phase

Testing phase

Delivery and Maintenance phase

How to choose model for Project

Where Exactly Testing Come into picture?

Conventional Testing

Unconventional Testing

Testing Methodology

Black Box Testing

White Box Testing

Gray Box Testing

Levels of Testing

Unit Level Testing

Module Level Testing

Integration Level Testing

Top down Approach

Bottom Up approach

Stubs & Driver

User Acceptance Level Testing

Alfa Testing

Beta Testing

System Level Testing (Non Functional Testing)

Software Development Models

Waterfall Model

Prototype Model

Evolutionary Model

Spiral Model

Fish Model


Agile Process


One Tier Architecture

Two Tier Architecture

Three Tier Architecture

N- Tier Architecture

  1. Difference between Web application and client server application

Types of Testing

Build Verification Testi ng/BAT/Pre SRN Testing

Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing



Alpha Testing

Beta Testing

Static Testing

Dynamic Testing

Installation Testing

Compatibility Testing

Monkey Testing

Usability Testing

End-To-End  Testing

Exploratory Testing

Security Testing

Authentication Testing

  1. Direct URL Testing
  2. Firewall Leakage Testing

Port Testing

Reliability Testing

Mutation Testing

Adhoc Testing

Globalization Testing

I18N Testing

L10N Testing

Software Testing Life Cycle

Test Planning

Contents of Test Plan

Test Development

Use Case Reviews

Types of Test Cases

Formats of Testing Documents

Testing Process

Test case design

Test design techniques


ECP and Error Guessing

Traceability Matrix     

Test Execution

Execution Process

End-to- End Scenarios execution

Result Analysis - Bug Tracking and Reporting

Types of Bugs

Identifying the Bugs

Isolation the Bugs

Bug Life Cycle

Reporting the Bugs

Classical Bug Reporting

Common Repository oriented BRP

Bug Tracking Tool Oriented BRP

Bug Life Cycle (BLC)

Bug Tracking Tools



Test Closure Activity

Test Execution stop criteria

Test summary reports

Additional concepts

  1. How the company will maintain the secured files
  2. Introduction to CR
  3. SVN Integration
  4. What is Continues Integration
  5. Jenkins Integration & Setup
  6. Execute the programs from Jenkins

Real Time Process Awareness with Terminology

Quality Assurance

Quality Control





Software Configuration Management

Build Release process


S/W Delivery process




Traceability Matrix


Test Bed

Escalation Process


Base Lining the Documents

Publishing the documents

Common Repository Management

Patch Build




Defective Product

Change Request

Impact Analysis

Walk Through

Code Walk Through

Code Optimization

Work Around

Defect Age

Latent Defect

Testing Principles

Ways of Testing

Manual Testing

Automation Testing

Drawbacks of Manual Testing

Drawbacks of Automation Testing

Non Functional Testing

Load Testing

  • Performance Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Volume testing
  • Soak Testing             
  • Spike Testing
ü   What is automation testing
ü   When best to go for automation
ü   Advantages of Automation
ü   Criteria for Automation
Introduction to Selenium
ü   What is Selenium
ü   Use of selenium
ü   When selenium can be useful          in testing
ü   Features of Selenium
ü   Differences between Selenium and QTP
Selenium Components
ü   Selenium IDE
ü   Selenium RC
ü   Selenium Web Driver
ü   Selenium Grid
ü   Selendroid
ü   Appium
Configuration of IDE & Dev Scripts
ü   Recording the script
ü   Running the script
ü    script
ü   Object Identification
ü   Difference between Testcase and test suit
ü   Languages supported while
ü   Synchronization in Selenium IDE
ü   Testing Vs Selenium IDE
ü   When to use Selenium IDE
ü   How to run the recorded script
Against other browsers
ü   Why companies are not using
Recording tools
Selenium 2 / Web Driver
ü Creating environment for Selenium
ü Basic programs in RC
ü  Differences between Selenium RC and Webdriver
ü  Creating basics scripts with Webdriver
ü  Creating scripts by using Functions with  Webdriver
ü  Running the scripts in Eclipse
ü  Selenese
ü   Introducing Web Driver’s Drivers
ü  Browser commands in Webdriver with examples
ü  Interactive commands in Webdriver  with examples
ü  Information commands in Webdriver with examples
ü  Validation commands in Webdriver with examples
ü   WebdriverBackedSelenium
ü   What is validation
ü   What is the use of validation in Automation testing
ü   When to use validation
ü   How to use validations
ü   Locatrors in Webdriver
ü   Debugging the script
ü   Maintaining synchronization
ü   How to handle Popups and alert
messages in Webdriver
ü   Recognizing Similar Elements
ü   Working with Web Tables
ü   Working with dynamically changing Objects
Automation Life Cycle
Test Estimation
ü  What is a Framework
Types of Frameworks
ü  Modular framework
ü  Data Driven framework
ü  Keyword driven framework
ü  Hybrid framework
ü  Use of Framework
ü  How develop the framework
ü  Integration of the framework
ü  How execute the scripts from framework
Developing reusable scripts
How to develop the scripts in Real time with Oops
Core Java Fundamentals
ü Java Programming Language Keywords
ü Data Types
ü    Class and Object
ü   Encapsulation
ü Inheritance
ü Polymorphism
ü Overridden and Overloaded Methods
ü Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization
Flow Control, Exceptions, and
ü   Writing Code Using If and Switch
ü   Writing Code using Loops
ü   Handling Exceptions
ü   Working with the Assertion Mechanism
Using the java.lang.String Class
ü   Using the java.lang.Math Class
ü   Using Wrapper Classes
ü   Using the equals() Methods with
Strings, Wrappers and Objects Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads
ü   Preventing Thread Execution
ü   Synchronizing Code
ü   Thread Interaction
JUnit Introduction
 ü  Proving it works Starting from scratch
 ü  Understanding unit testing Frameworks
 ü  Setting up JUnit
 ü  Testing with Junit
     ü Junit annotations
TestNG Framework
 ü What is TestNG
 ü Create TestNG.xml file
     ü Integrate the Selenium Scripts
and Run from TestNG
 ü Reporting Results & Analyze
     ü Run Scripts from Multiple
    ü TestNG annotations
 ü Batch execution in TestNG
 ü Providing the description to the test methods and skipping the tests
 ü What is the differences between Junit and TestNG
Testdata & Object repository
 ü What is Test data
    ü What is object repository
 ü    How to use object repository in
 ü  What is the use of maintaining Object repository
 ü Types of creating object repository
Additional concepts
 ü Actions
 ü How to use Key Commands
Mouse Over
 ü Scroolling Down
     ü What is ANT and Maven
 ü Build Management with Maven
    ü Setup the project with Maven
Developing the scripts and Converting src to executable file
Additional concepts
 ü How the company will maintain the scripts
 ü introduction to CR
 ü SVN Integration
 ü What is Continues Integration
 ü Jenkins Integration & Setup
 ü Execute the programs from Jenkins

 ü Setting up the environment with Android SDK
 ü Remote Webdriver with Android
 ü Executing the scripts on Android mobiles and Emulators
 ü Setting up the environment with Appium
 ü Remote Webdriver with Appium
 ü Executing the scripts on  mobiles and Emulators

Course Highlights
After completion of the course the resource can able to perform below tasks:
 ü Can be able to Review SRS document and  write the test cases in test design document
 ü Can be able to Test the project and Report the bugs in the Report Tracking tools
 ü Can be able to Test the project in his company
 ü Can be able to set up the selenium environment in his organization
 ü Can able to automate the applications with Webdriver
 ü Selenium Webdriver – usage, commands and techniques
    ü Confidently he can develop the Frameworks as well as can use TestNG & JUnit
 ü View and analyze results
     ü Continuous Integration (CI) using Jenkins and integration with WebDriver
 ü Data Driven example using Excel Configure Web Driver in Eclipse
 ü SVN source control integration

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