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Thursday, January 29, 2015

C Language on 16th Feb(Monday) 7:00AM at S.R.Nagar(Hyd) by Mr. Ramana

Introduction to Programming:
• Programs and Programming
• Types of software’s
• Types of Programming Languages
• Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker
• Operating Systems
• Algorithms
• Flowcharts
Fundamentals in C:
• Introduction to ‘C’
• History of ‘C’
• Features of ‘C’
• A Simple C Program
• Character set
• Constants
• Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker
• Program execution phases
• Identifiers
• Keywords
• Variables
• Data Types
• Type Qualifiers
• Data representation
• Declaration of Variable
• Assigning Values to Variables
• Initialization
• Comments
• const Qualifier
• Basic Structure of a ‘C’ program
Operators and Expressions:
• Arithmetic operators
• Relational operators
• Logical operators
• Assignment operators
• Increment & decrement operators
• Conditional operator
• Bitwise operators
• Other operators
• Type Casting
• Sizeof Operator
• Operators Precedence and Associativity
• Evaluation of expressions
• Programming Examples
Input-Output Functions
• Unformatted I-O Functions
• Single Character Input-Output
• String Input-Output
• Formatted I-O Functions
• General Input-Output
• Types of Characters in Format Strings
• scanf() Width Specifier
• Format Specifiers for scanf()
• printf() Width Specifier
• Mathematical Library Functions
• Programming Examples
Control statements
• Conditional Control Statements
• if
• if-else
• nested if-else
• else-if ladder
• Multiple Branching Control Statement
• switch-case
• Loop Control Statements
• while
• do-while
• for
• Nested Loops
• Jump Control statements
• break
• continue
• goto
• exit
• return
• Programming Examples
• One dimensional arrays
• Declaration of 1D arrays
• Initialization of 1D arrays
• Accessing element of 1D arrays
• Reading and displaying elements
• Two dimensional arrays
• Declaration of 2D arrays
• Initialization of 2D arrays
• Accessing element of 2D arrays
• Reading and displaying elements
• Three dimensional arrays
• Programming Examples
• String Constants
• String Variables
• One Dimensional Character Arrays
• Declaration of 1D character Arrays
• Initialization of 1D character arrays
• Reading string
• Displaying string
• Single character library functions
• String Library Functions
• Array of Strings or Two Dimensional Array of Characters
• Programming Examples
• Concept of Functions
• Advantages of using functions
• Defining a function
• Calling a function
• Return statement
• Function Prototype
• Types of functions
• Local and global variables
• Recursion
• Comparing Recursion and Iteration
• Nested functions
• Command line arguments
• Creating user-defined header files
• Functions and Arrays
• Functions and Strings
• Programming Examples
Storage Classes
• auto
• static
• extern
• register
• Programming Examples
Structures, Unions, Enumerations and typedef
• Defining a Structure
• Declaration of Structure Variables
• Initialization of Structure Variables
• Accessing Structure Members
• Assignment of Structure Variables
• Storage of Structures in Memory
• Size of Structures
• Reading and Displaying Structure Variables
• Array of structures
• Arrays within structures
• Nested structures
• Structures and functions
• Passing Structure Members as Arguments
• Passing Structure Variable as Argument
• Returning a structure variable from function
• Unions
• enum keyword
• typedef keyword
• Bitfields
• Programming Examples
• About Memory
• Pointer Operators
• Def of Pointer
• Advantages and Disadvantages of Pointers
• Declaration of Pointer Variables
• Assigning Address to Pointer Variables
• Dereferencing Pointer Variables
• Pointer to Pointer
• Void pointer
• Null pointer
• Pointer Arithmetic
• Pointer to an Array
• Pointers and 1D Arrays
• Precedence of Dereferencing Operator and Increment/Decrement Operators
• Pointes and 2D arrays
• Array of Pointers
• Passing Arrays to functions
• Accessing Arrays inside Functions
• Pointers and Strings
• More String Library Functions
• Pointers and Functions
• Parameter Passing Techniques – call by value, call by reference
• Using Pointers as Arguments
• Functions Returning Address
• Function Returning Pointers
• Pointer to a Function
• Pointer to Structures
• Pointers within Structures
• Self Referential Structures
• Dynamic Storage Allocation and deallocation
• Constant Pointers
• Programming Examples
• Using files in C
• Working with text files
• Opening a File
• Closing A File
• File management I/O functions
• Error Handling During I/O Operations
• Text Files and Binary Files
• Random Access Files
• Database Management
• Programming Examples
Preprocessor Directives
• The #include Preprocessor Directive
• The #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants
• The #define Preprocessor Directive: Macros
• Conditional Compilation Directives
• #if, #else &elif and #endif
• #ifdef and #ifndef #undef
• #error
• #line
• #pragma
• Programming Examples
Graphics in C
• Introduction to Graphics
• Initializing Graphics
• Graphic Drivers & Modes
• Graphic Library Functions
• Programming Examples
• Topic wise Technical Questions discussion
1. Printed Course Material
2. Class room notes
3. More than 1000 programs covered in class room discussion
4. Topic wise Interview Questions (FAQ’s) discussion
5. Printed FAQ’s Handouts
6. Workshop on C / Discussion of Technical Questions from Top MNC’s

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