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Thursday, January 29, 2015

ASP.Net MVC (Fastrack) on 2nd Feb (Monday) 7:00AM at S.R.Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Anil Kumar

1. Introduction to Web Application
  • About Web Server
  • IIS Web Server 7.0
  • Web Support Languages
  • Web Browsers
  • About Http,TCP/IP, LAN, WAN
  • Scripting and Its Importance
  • Client-side and Server side Scripting
  • HTML
  • Java Script
  • CSS
  • JQuery
Overview of .NET
New Web Features in VS.NET 2010 and VS.NET 2012
Active Server Pages.Net
  • Moving from ASP to ASP.NET
  • ASP.NET Namespaces
  • ASP.NET – New Scenario in Development
  • Process with IDE-VS.NET  IDE
  • Web Pages to Web Forms
  • HTML Controls
  • ASP.NET Controls
ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Introduction to Web Forms, Worker process
  • Applying styles to controls, themes, skins
  • Server control Form
  • Page Directive
  • Separating code and Design
  • New code behind techniques
  • Implementing server controls
  • Validation controls
  • Defining and using collection of cookies
  • Limitations of cookies
ADO.NET for Web Application
  • XML, XML to HTML & Database
  • XML Schema Definition tool
  • Overview of ADO.NET/XML support for .NET
  • Retrieve data using DataSets
  • Data Adapters
  • Understanding Data Tables
  • Build Data Table Programmatically
  • Filter and Sort Data Table
  • Parameters with command object
Bound Controls in ASP.NET
  • Data Source controls
  • Repeater
  • Bind data to drop down list
  • DataList control
  • Form View and Details View
  • Grid View – Paging, Sorting,Editing,Deleting,
Runtime Fields, Empty Data Rows etc
ASP.NET Error Handling & Debug
  • Page level error handling
  • Application level error handling
  • Debug using CLR debugger
 User Controls
Master Pages
Configuring ASP.NET application
  • Web Application Configuration
  • Web Application Machine  configuration
  • Global Assembly Cache
  • Working with AssemblyInfo
  • Web .config
 ASP.NET web applications
  • About Session and Application object
  • Using the Global.asax file
  • Managing Application State
  • Http Handlers
  • Application and session variable
  • Application and session events
  • Cache services
  • Caching overview
  • Advantages of Caching
  • Page output caching
  • Page data caching
  • Fragment Caching
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Windows, Forms,Password authenication
  • Authoring users and Roles
  • User Account Impersonation
ASP.NET XML Web Services
  • Introducing XML web Services
  • Difference between DCOM/Remoting/Web services
  • ASP.NET Web Services
  • Xml web services stack,SOAP,WSDL,UDDI,Sync and Async Calls
  • Using Data in Web services
  • Using Objects and Intrinsic
Windows Commmunication Foundation
  • Content Web Part
  • Catalog Part
  • Editor Part
  • Web Part Verbs
Mobile Applications
  • Mobile Forms
  • WAP, WML overview
  • MS mobile explorer
  • Open Wave Simulator
  • Device Applications
Crystal Reports in ASP.NET
ASP.NET 3.5 Features
  • New ListView and DataPager Controls
  • LINQ
  • WCF Support for RSS, JSON, POX and Partial Trust
        • Plain Old XML (POX)
        • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
        • Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
  • ASP.NET Merge Tool
  • New Assemblies

ASP.NET 4.0 & 4.5  features
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Complete   ASP.NET AJAX
Setup and Deployment

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