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Saturday, January 31, 2015

CRT on 2nd Feb (Monday) 7:00AM at S.R.Nagar (Hyd) by Team Of Experts



1. Number System

2. L.C.M & H.C.F

3. Problems on Ages

4. Averages

5. Percentages

6. Ratios and Proportion

7. Profit and Loss

8. S.I and C.I

9. Time and Work

10. Time and distance

11. Permutations and combinations

12. Probability

13. Clocks and Calendar

14. Mensuration

15. Mixtures And Alliogations
16. races
17. Trains
18. Boats & Streams
19. Pipes & Cisterns
20. Partnership


1. Blood Relations

2. Directions

3. Coding and Decoding

4. Series

5. Analogy

6. Odd man out

7. Ranking

8. Cubes

9. Problem Solving

10. Syllogism

11. Logical Venn Diagrams

12. Data Sufficiency

13. Data Interpretations

Soft Skills

Resuming Building Tips


Mock Interviews

Personality Development

CRT Verbal Ability

1. Vocabulary

a. Synonyms

b. Antonyms

c. Idioms and Phrases

d. Foreign idiomatic expressions

e. One Word Substitutes

2.Spotting errors

3. Sentence Completion

4. Word Analogy

5. Reading Comprehension (Passages)

6. Theme detection

7. Ordering of Sentences ( Jumbled Sentences)

Key features

Unlimited online practice Tests (

100+ company papers CD

Printed Material for each and every topic

Topic wise Hand Outs for class room discussion

Expert faculty

Aptitude on 2nd Feb (Monday) 7:00AM at S.R.Nagar (Hyd) by Team Of Experts



1. Number System

2. L.C.M & H.C.F

3. Problems on Ages

4. Averages

5. Percentages

6. Ratios and Proportion

7. Profit and Loss

8. S.I and C.I

9. Time and Work

10. Time and distance

11. Permutations and combinations

12. Probability

13. Clocks and Calendar

14. Mensuration

15. Mixtures And Alliogations
16. races
17. Trains
18. Boats & Streams
19. Pipes & Cisterns
20. Partnership


1. Blood Relations

2. Directions

3. Coding and Decoding

4. Series

5. Analogy

6. Odd man out

7. Ranking

8. Cubes

9. Problem Solving

10. Syllogism

11. Logical Venn Diagrams

12. Data Sufficiency

13. Data Interpretations

Exceptions Handling (Free Workshop) on 2nd Feb (Monday) 7:00AM-9:00AM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Durga

Exception Handling Syllabus:
Runtime stack Mechanism
Default Exception Handling in java
Exception Heirarchy
Customized Exception Handling by try & catch
Control flow in try & catch
Methods to print Exception information
Try with multiple catch blocks
Finally block
Difference between final, finally & Finalize
Various possible combinations of try-catch-finally
Control flow in try-catch-finally
Control flow in nested try-catch-finally
Exception Handling keywords summary
Various possible compile-time errors in Exception Handling
Customised Exceptions
Top Ten Exception
After Completion This WrokShop You Can Answer All The Below Questions:
1. What is an Exception?

2. What is the purpose of Exception Handling?

3. What is the meaning of Exception Handling?

4. Explain Default Exception Handling Mechanism in java?

5. What is the purpose of try?

6. What is the purpose of catch block?

7. Is try with multiple catch block is possible?

8. If try with multiple catch block present is order of catch blocks important in which order we have to take?

9. What are various methods to print Exception information? And differentiate them.

10. If an exception raised inside catch block then what will happen?

11. Is it possible to take try, catch inside try block?

12. Is it possible to take try, catch inside catch block?

13. Is it possible to take try without catch?

14. What is the purpose of finally block?

15. Is finally block will be execute always?

16. In which situation finally block will not executed?

17. If return statement present inside try is finally block will be executed?

18. What is the difference between final, finally and finalize ()?

19. Is it possible to write any statement between try-catch and finally?

20. Is it possible to take two finally blocks for the same try?

21. Is syntax try-finally-catch is valid?

22. What is the purpose of throw?

23. Is it possible to throw an Error?

24. Is it possible to throw any java object?

25. After throw is it allow to take any statement directly?

26. What is the purpose of throws?

27. What is the difference between throw and throws?

28. What is the difference between throw and thrown?

29. Is it possible to use throws keyword for any java class?

30. If we are taking catch block for an exception but there is no chance of rising that exception in try then what will happen?

31. Explain Exception handling keywords?

32. Which class act as root for entire java Exception hierarchy?

33. What is the difference between Error and Exception?

34. What is difference between checked exception and unchecked exception?

35. What is difference between partially checked and fully checked Exception?

36. What is a customized Exception?

37. Explain the process of creating the customized Exception.

38. Explain control flow in try, catch, finally.

39. Can you give the most common occurred exception in your previous project?

40. Explain the cases where you used Exception handling in your previous project?

Java Real Time Tools on 2nd Feb (Monday) 7:30PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Sriman


Key highlights for the course:
Live Project explanation end-to-end.
Detailed discussion on designing phase of the project.
Commonly used Real time processes.
Tools used in Real-time industry.
Handling Project Manager round.
• First day at work
• Documents required during joining
• Tasks to be performed on joining the project
• Project Life cycle / SDLC (software development life cycle)

    o Bidding process to get the project o Factors to be considered
    o Determining the scope of the project
    o Requirement related discussion
    o Duration of the project finalization
    o Finalize the budget
    o Technology Finalization
    o Team finalization
    o Plan for delivery
• Brief discussion of Agile methodology of software development
• Commonly used processes in real time
• Working with Outlook and communicator
• Induction program
• Trainings
• Timesheet filling
• Objective Setting
• Up-risal process:
• How does teamcity and artifactory work
• About Client & Product
• Product & Service based company
• Objective of the Project
• Technical Architecture of the Project
• Working environment of the Project
• Functional flow
• Project Modules
• Challenging issues and solution
• Design Patterns followed
• Screen Shots
• Coding Standards Followed
• Code Snippet, DB designs(10-15 tables and class names)
• Eclipse Shortcuts
• Brief discussion of Unit testing & Integration Testing
• Role and Responsibility Understanding
• Project Architecture Explanation
• UML brief discussion
• ER diagrams
• Project specific questions
• Project Manager Round interview questions discussion
• Effective interview Tips
• Resume building guide lines
• Managing gap as experience related discussion.
• Mock Interview

Hadoop on 4th Feb (Wednesday) 7:30AM-8:30AM at Madhapur (Hyd) by Mr. Rama Krishna


• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept

Oracle11g/12c on 4th Feb (Wednesday) 8:30AM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. KrishnaReddy

Course pattern:
• Hand Notes will be provided
• Daily assignments
• Advanced features in Oracle
• Programs as per coding standards followed in CMM LEVEL 5 companies
• Using TOAD (Tool For Oracle Application Development) in training
• Discussions on FAQ’s

Introduction to DBMS:
• Approach to data management
• Introduction to prerequisites
• File and file system
• Disadvantages of file
• Review of database management terminology
• Database models
  • Hierarchal model
  • Network model
  • Relational model
Introduction to RDBMS:
• Feature of RDBMS
• Advantages of RDBMS over FMS ad DBMS
• The 12 rules (E.F codd’s Rules – RDBMS)
• Need for database design
• Support of normalization process for data management

  • Client server technology
  • Oracle corporation products
  • Oracle versions
Sub language commands:
• Data definition language (DDL)
• Data retrieval language (DRL)
• Data manipulation language (DML)
• Transaction control language (TCL)
• Database security and privileges (DCL)

Introduction to SQL Database Object:
• Oracle predefined data types
• DDL Commands

  • Create, alter (add,modify,rename,drop)
  • columns, drop
• Working with DML,DRL Commands
• Operators support
  • DML-Insert,update,delete
  • DQL-SELECT statements sing WHERE Clause
  • Comparison and conditional operations
  • Arithmetic and logical operations
  • Special operators – IN (NOT IN),
Built in functions:
• Arithmetic functions, character functions, date functions
• Aggregate functions, OLAP functions & general functions

Grouping the result of a query:
• Using group by and having clause of DRL statement
• Using order by clause

Working with integrity constraints:
• Importance of data integrity
• Support of integrity constraints for relating table in RDBMS
• Working with different types of integrity constraints

  • NOT NULL constraint
  • UNIQUE constraint
  • PRIMARY KEY constraint
  • FOREIGN KEY constraint
  • CHECK constraint
  • REF constraint
  • Understanding ON DELETE clause in referential integrity constraint
  • Working with composite constraint
  • Applying DEFAULT option to columns
  • Working with mujltiple constraints upon a colume
  • Adding constraints to a table
  • Dropping of constraints
  • Enabling for constraints
  • Querying for constraint information
Querying multiple table (Joins):
• Equi join/inner join/simple join
• Cartesian join
• Non-equi join
• Outer joins
• Self join

Working with sub queries:
• Understanding the practical approach to sub queries/nested select/sub select/inner
select/outer select
• What is the purpose of a sub query?
• Sub query principle and usage
• Type of sub queries

  • Single row
  • Multiple row
  • Multiple column
• Applying group functions in sub queries
• The impact of having clause in sub queries
• IN,ANY/SOME,ALL operators in sub queries
• PAIR WISE and NON PAIR WISE comparison in sub queries
• Be … aware of NULL’s
• Correlated sub queries
• Handling data retrieval with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators

Working with DCL,TCL commands:
• Grant, revoke
• Commit, rollback, savepoint
• SQL Editor commands
• SQL Environment settings

Maintaining database objects:
VIEWS in oracle:
Understanding the standards of VIEWS in oracle
• Types of VIEWS

  • Relational views
  • Object views
• Prerequisites to work with views
• Practical approach of SIMPLE VIEWS and COMPLES VIEWS
• Column definitions in VIEWS
• Using VIEWS for DML operations
• In-line view
• Forced views
• Putting CHECK constraint upon VIEWS
• Creation of READ ONLY VIEWS
• Understanding the IN LINE VIEWS
• About materialized views
• View triggers
• Working with sequences
• Working with synonyms
• Working with index and clusters
• Creating cluster tables, implementing locks

Pseudo columns in oracle:
• Understanding pseudo columns in oracle
• Types of pseudo columns in oracle


Data partitions & parallels process: • Types of partitions
  • Range partitions
  • Hash partitions
  • List partition
  • Composite partition
  • Parallel query process
• Locks
  • Row level locks
  • Table level locks
  • Shared lock
  • Exclusive lock
  • Dead lock
• SQL*Loader:
  • SQL*Loader architecture
  • Data file (Input datafiles)
  • Control file
  • Bad file
  • Discard file
  • Log file
  • .txt to bse table
  • .csv to base table
  • From more than one file to single table

• Introduction to programming languages
• Introduction to PL/SQL
• PL/SQL Architecture
• PL/SQL Data types
• Variable and constants
• Using built_in functions
• Conditional and unconditional statements

  • Simple IF,ELSIF, ELSE…IF
  • Selection case, simple case, GOTO label and EXIT
• Iterations in PL/SQL
• SQL within PL/SQL
• Composite data types (complete)
• Cursor management in PL/SQL
  • Implicit cursors
  • Explicit cursors
  • Cursor attributes
  • Cursor with parameters
  • Cursors with LOOPs
  • Cursors with sub queries
  • Ref.cursors
• Record and PL/SQL Table types

Advanced PL/SQL
Procedures in PL/SQL:
• PROCEDURE with prameters (IN,OUT and IN OUT)
• POSITIONAL Notation and NAMED Notation
• Procedure with cursors
• Dropping a procedure

Functions in PL/SQL
• Difference between procedures and functions
• User defined functions
• Nested functions
• Using stored function in SQL statements

Packages in PL/SQL:
• Creating PACKAGE specification and PACKAGE body
• Private and public objects in PACKAGE

Types of exceptions:
• User defined exceptions
• Pre defined exceptions
• SQL Error code values

Data base triggers in PL/SQL:
Types of triggers
• Row level triggers
• Statement level triggers
• DDL Triggers
• Trigger auditing

File input/output:
• PL/SQL file I/O (input/output) using UTL_FILE package
Implementing object technology
• What is object technology?
• OOPS-object instances
• Creation of objects
• Creating user defined data types
• Creating object tables
• Inserting rown in a table using objects
• Retrieving data from object based tables
• Calling a method
• Indexing abstract data type attributes

Using LOBS
• Large objects (LOBS)
• Creting tables-LOB
• Working with LOB values
• Inserting, updating & Deleting values in LOBs
• Populating lobis DBMS_LOB routines
• Using B-FILE

Using collections
• Advantages of collection
• Ref cursor (dynamic cursor)
• Weak ref cursor
• Strong ref cursor
• Nested tables VARRAYS or VARYING arrays
• Creating tables using nested tables
• Inserting, updating & deleting nested table records
• Nested table in PL/SQL

Oracle data base architecture
• Introduction to oracle database architecture
• Physical structures logical structures
• DB Memory structures background process
• 2tire, 3tire, N-tier architecture

Advanced features
• 9i joines
• New date function
• Rename column
• Inner join/natural join
• Left outer join/right outer join
• Full outer join
• Multiple inserts
• Insert all command
• Merge statement
• CASE expression of select command
• Temporary tables/global tables
• New function EXTRACT()
• Autonomous traction
• Pragma_autonomous_transaction()
• Returning into clause
• Bulk collect
• About flash back queries
• Dynamic SQL
• New 11g features

• Data base
• Table space
• Types of tablespaces
• Datafiles/se

D2K (Oracle Forms & Reports) on 4th Feb (Wednesday) 9:30AM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. KrishnaReddy

Introduction to D2K:
Advantages, Features, and role of D2K in ERP
Pre-requisites for D2K
Tools used in D2K
Basic Concepts of D2K
How to install & work with D2K
Interfaces of forms
Form Module
Pl/SQL Code Blocks
Types of Data Blocks

Creation of data block through wizards
Creation of Master-Detail data blocks
Product MASTER data entry screen
Creation of data blocks through manually
Manipulating Properties
Create of visual attributes
Creation of property classes
Creation of Object Groups
Creating & using objects groups
Creation of Objects Libraries
Creating Objects Libraries
Form Triggers
Types of Form Triggers
Applying Triggers on Different controls

Calling Alerts , Displaying Alerts
Re-Using Alerts
Changing Properties of Alerts at Runtime
Creating Editors
Types of Editors
Calling editors thru code
Using Images Items
Storing and Retrieving images in Database
Transferring images from files n images items

Creation of Content Canvas
Creation of Stacked Canvas
Creation of Tab Canvas
Creation of Horizontal Toolbar Canvas
Creation of Vertical Toolbar Canvas
Applying password to Application Windows
Changing window properties
Types of windows
Document, Dailog & Model, Modeless
Navigation between windows of a form
Creation oMenus
Usage of Menus in required forms
Creation popup menus
Program Units
Defining procedures, Functions & Packages in Forms
Using stored procedures functions & packages elements in Forms
Creating stored procedures and functions thru Forms
PL/SQL Libraries
Usage of PL/SQL libraries in different forms using Attached Libraries
Database Objects
Using database objects available at backend
Creation Database objects thru Forms
Working with objects Technology
Defining & Using Objects in Form
Record Groups
Creation of Record Groups based on Query
Creation of Record Group based on Static Values
Creation of LOVs using existing Record Groups
Creation of LOVs manually
Creation of LOVs along with Record Group
Creation of Runtime Record Groups
Error Handling
Trapping different types of errors in Forms
Advantages, features and role of reports in D2K
Fundamentals of Reports
Interfaces of Reports
Creation of Reports using Wizards
Tabular Report
Form-Like Reports
Mailing Label Reports
Form Letter
Group Left Report
Group above Report
Matrix Report
Matrix with Group
Creation of Reports Manually
Creation of Reports Manually
Creation of Reports using parameters
User Parameters
System Parameters
Manual Reports
Creation of Reports through data model SQL Query
Formula Columns
Summary Columns
Place Holder Columns
Data Links
Cross Product
Report Triggers
Before Parameter Form
After parameter Form
Before Report
Between Pages
After Report
Creation of Templates
Usage of Templates in Required Reports
Communication / Interlinking of Reports
Calling Reports from forms
Communication/Inter Linking of Forms & Reports
Creation of Parameters
Calling different Forms
Calling different forms with parameters
Calling different Reports with parameters
With Text & Data Parameters
Project Scenarios & conclusion

C#.Net (Fastrack) on 4th Feb (Wednesday) 10:30AM at Kphb (Hyd) by Mr. Mohan Reddy

Introduction To .Net
What is .net?
.Net Platform Independent or not
.Net framework
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
CTS (Common Type System)
BCL or FCL (Framework Class Libraries)
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
JIT (Just Ion Time) Compilation and its types

Introduction To C#.Net
Features of C#.Net
Data Types in
Value types and Reference types
Boxing and Unboxing
Console Applications and Console Class
Conditional and Looping Control Statements
One Dimensional Arrays
Two Dimensional Arrays
Jagged Arrays
Members Of Array Class
Optional Parameters
Param Array Parameters
Ref and Out Parameters

C# .Net (FastTrack) on 4th Feb (Wednesday) 4:00PM at S.R.Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. MohanReddy

Introduction To .Net
What is .net?
.Net Platform Independent or not
.Net framework
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
CTS (Common Type System)
BCL or FCL (Framework Class Libraries)
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
JIT (Just Ion Time) Compilation and its types

Introduction To C#.Net
Features of C#.Net
Data Types in
Value types and Reference types
Boxing and Unboxing
Console Applications and Console Class
Conditional and Looping Control Statements
One Dimensional Arrays
Two Dimensional Arrays
Jagged Arrays
Members Of Array Class
Optional Parameters
Param Array Parameters
Ref and Out Parameters

Hadoop on 4th Feb (Wednesday) 5:00PM-7:00PM at S.R.Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Rama Krishna


• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept

SCJP on 5th Feb (Thursday) 11:30AM-1:00PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Durga

  • Language Fundamentals  
  • Declarations and Access Control
  • Interfaces
  •  Operators  
  •  Flow Control  
  •  Exception Handling  
  •  Assertions  
  •  Garbage Collections  
  •  OOPs  
  •  Multi-Threading  
  •  java.lang Package: String,StringBuffer,StringBuilder,Wrapper Classes,Object,Autoboxing
  • package
  • Serialization  
  •  Collections  Framework
  •  Generics  
  •  Inner Classes  
  •  Internationalization  
  •  Development  
  •  Regular Expressions  
  •  enum

CoreJava with SCJP on 5th Feb (Thursday) 11:30AM-1:00PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Durga

  • Language Fundamentals  
  • Declarations and Access Control
  • Interfaces
  •  Operators  
  •  Flow Control  
  •  Exception Handling  
  •  Assertions  
  •  Garbage Collections  
  •  OOPs  
  •  Multi-Threading  
  •  java.lang Package: String,StringBuffer,StringBuilder,Wrapper Classes,Object,Autoboxing
  • package
  • Serialization  
  •  Collections  Framework
  •  Generics  
  •  Inner Classes  
  •  Internationalization  
  •  Development  
  •  Regular Expressions  
  •  enum

Android (2 WeekendsWorkshop) (Basic+Advanced) on 7th Feb,8th Feb (saturday,Sunday) 9:00AM-6:00PM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Mahesh


1. Why Android

Android is an open source project of the Open Handset Alliance that has revolutionised the user experience of a mobile device. With Android, it is a fact that mobile devices will have more user-friendly applications than ever before and putting the internet in the handsets of many, many people around the world. The biggest advantage is that the success of Android depends on the availability of unique and engaging user applications created by developers just like you. Practically anyone can contribute applications to the Android community, making it more possible for the world to experience your innovative ideas.
2. Our Program
Our Android program is an intensive, results focused program aimed at helping learners create applications using Google's Android™ open-source platform. The course explains what Android™ is and how it compares to other mobile environments, the setup of the Android™ Eclipse-based development tools, the Android™ SDK, all essential features, as well as the advanced capabilities and APIs such as background services, accelerometers, graphics, and GPS.
Our Android program completely involves the learners in the Android platform, allowing them to walk away fully ready to build Android applications. Our Android program includes the absolute basics required to help learners understand the very core of Android application development. If you have some prior application development expertise, you may benefit from grasping concepts even more easily. Upon completion of our Android program, the learner will be proficient in every aspect of the Android platform beginning with base kernel right up to building end-user Android applications.
3. Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Build your own Android apps
Explain the differences between Android™ and other mobile development environments
Understand how Android™ applications work, their life cycle, manifest, Intents, and using external resources
Design and develop useful Android™ applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus.
Take advantage of Android's APIs for data storage, retrieval, user preferences, files, databases, and content providers
Tap into location-based services, geo-coder, compass sensors, and create rich map-based applications
Utilize the power of background services, threads, and notifications.
Use Android's communication APIs for SMS, telephony, network management, and internet resources (HTTP).
Secure, tune, package, and deploy Android™ applications
4. Audience/Pre requisites
If you are an Engineering/Science Graduate (Mathematics/Physics) or an MCA with working knowledge of C and Operating Systems, you will benefit from our Android program.
This course is designed for software developers interested in designing, creating, deploying, and testing applications for the Android™ mobile phone platform. It is valuable to both novices and gurus, who already have experience in developing mobile applications for other platforms.
Java experience is required to get the most benefit from this training.
5.1. Intro to Android

Android Overview and History

  • How it all got started
  • Why Android is different (and important)
Android Stack
  • Overview of the stack
  • Linux kernel
  • Native libraries

  • Dalvik

  • App framework

  • Apps
SDK Overview
  • Platforms

  • Tools

  • Versions
Hello World App
  • Creating your first project
  • The manifest file
  • Layout resource
  • Running your app on Emulator
Main Building Blocks
  • Activities
  • Activity lifecycle
  • Intents
  • Services
  • Content Providers
  • Broadcast Receivers
Basic Android User Interface
  • XML versus Java UI
  • Views and layouts
  • Common UI components
  • Handling user events
Android system Overview
  • Preferences
  • Notifications
  • File System
  • Security model
Advanced UI
  • Selection components
  • Adapters
  • UI components
  • Menus and Dialogs
  • Graphics & Animations
  • Building UI for performance
Multimedia in Android
  • Multimedia Supported audio formats
  • Simple media playback
  • Supported video formats
  • Simple video playback
SQL Database
  • Introducing SQLite
  • SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
  • Opening and closing a database
  • Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
Basic Content Providers
  • Content provider MIME types
  • Adding, changing, and removing content
  • Working with content files
5.2. Advanced Android
Custom Content Providers
  • Why Content Providers
  • Where the content comes from
  • Implementing the API Supporting content files
Location Services
  • Working with the Location Manager
  • Working with Google Maps extensions
  • Overview of services in Android
  • Implementing a Service
  • Service lifecycle
  • Bound versus unbound services
Broadcast Receivers
  • What are Broadcast Receivers
  • Implementing broadcast receiver
  • System broadcasts and how to use them
Intent Filters
Role of filters
  • Intent-matching rules
  • Filters in your manifest
  • Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
  • Working with web services Best practices
  • How Sensors work
  • Listening to Sensor readings
  • Best practices for performance
  • Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
  • Managing active connections
  • Managing WiFi
  • Making calls
  • Monitoring data connectivity and activity
  • Accessing phone properties and status
  • Controlling the phone
  • Taking pictures
  • Rendering previews
  • Controlling local Bluetooth device
  • Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
  • Managing Bluetooth connections
  • Communicating with Bluetooth
Automated Testing
  • Why automate tests
  • Instrumentation and unit testing

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