Date: Nov
9th & 10th @ 9:00AM - 9:00PM
Faculty: Mr. Lokesh
Duration: 2 days workshop
Fee: 750 INR
Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Features of os
History of unix/Linux
Features of unix/Linux
Flavours of unix/Linux
Comparision of unix with windows
Architecture of unix/Linux
What is a shell?
What is a Kernel? and Tools, compilers
Unix File System
Different type of files
Wild card Characters : ^, $, \<, \>, *, ?, +,|,?
Tools for Filters
Different types of Delimiters
Reading data frm flat files
Writing data to flat Files
Tools for handling flat files
What is shell Scripting
Different types of shells
(sh, bash, ksh, csh, zsh, tcsh)
Importance of shell scripting
Creating shell script
Making shell script executable
Startup & logout files
Shell input & output
String test commands
Related Flat File Shellscripts
Command line arguments
Execcuting java programs and web application
Unix Installation
Check for more info....
Faculty: Mr. Lokesh
Duration: 2 days workshop
Fee: 750 INR
Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143
view of the Operating system DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS at S.R NAGAR
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143
Features of os
History of unix/Linux
Features of unix/Linux
Flavours of unix/Linux
Comparision of unix with windows
Architecture of unix/Linux
What is a shell?
What is a Kernel? and Tools, compilers
Unix File System
Different type of files
- Ordinary Files
- Directory Files
- Device Files
- logname, pwd, hostname, uname, cal, date
- logout(exit) , banner, tput clear,who,
- ls , whoami , finger,
- who am i, uptime, time,history,setenv
- groupadd,groupdel
- useradd, userdel
- Init,halt,shutdown
- Different run levels
- How to create files?
- Difference between cat and touch
- cat, touch, rm,split
- cp, ln, wc, renaming Files(mv), nl
- mkdir, cd, rmdir , rm
- ls, ls options
- apropos,help,man,info
- Compress, uncompress
- Pack, unpack, gzip, gunzip, zcat, pcat,tar
- pg, more ,head, tail ,less,display
- cmp,comm, diff
- Zcmp,zdiff
- lp, lpr(with options)
- find,locate,which,whereis,what
- Redirecting Input
- Redirecting Output
- Redirecting Error
Wild card Characters : ^, $, \<, \>, *, ?, +,|,?
Tools for Filters
- grep, grep with more options
- fgrep , egrep
- What is the need of Regular Expression
- What is a Regular Expression
- Different type of Patterns
- Character pattern
- Word Pattern
- Line pattern
- What is a Flat File
- What is the need of Flat File
- Delimiter Flat File
- Custom Delimiter Flat File
Different types of Delimiters
Reading data frm flat files
Writing data to flat Files
Tools for handling flat files
- Cut, paste
- Sort by lines
- Sort by fields
- Sort with options
- Uniq with options
- tr with options
- sed with options
- Need of piping
- Piping With Filters
- tee command
- Types of Permissions
- How to change permissions
- What is the need of changing permissions
- Chmod , umask
- How to change group
- How to change Owner
- Write,mail,wall,mail with options
- telnet, ftp, vlogin, rdate, rlogin
- du, df, free
- Fore ground jobs
- Back ground Jobs
- Killing jobs
- nohup
- ps with options,kill,killall
- Ed Editor
- Ex Editor
- Vi Editor
- Modes of vi editor
- Character pattern
- Word Pattern
- Line pattern
What is shell Scripting
Different types of shells
(sh, bash, ksh, csh, zsh, tcsh)
Importance of shell scripting
Creating shell script
Making shell script executable
Startup & logout files
Shell input & output
- echo, print, read
- echo, print, read
- System defined variables
- Environmental
- User defined Variables
- Constanrt variables
- How to create Local & Global variables
- Arithmetical Operators
- Relational Numeric Operators
- Relational Ascii Operators
- Logical Operators
- Trash Files
- Terminal Files
- if, if…else, if …elif.., case
String test commands
- While, until, for
- Break, continue, true, false
Related Flat File Shellscripts
Command line arguments
- Usage of command line arguments
- Creating new unix commands
- What is $0,$#,$*,$@,$$
- Calling Oracle stored procedures
- At, crontab, batch
Execcuting java programs and web application
Unix Installation
Check for more info....
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