Date: October
@ 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Faculty: Mr. Prathap
Duration: 1 Month (Daily two hours)
Only Core Java: Rs 1000 /-
Basic Java Package (Core Java + Adv.Java + Oracle): RS 3000 /-
Complete Java Package (Core Java + Adv.Java + Oracle Struts + Hibernate + Spring + Webserivices + Design Patterns + Java Real Time Tools,.....) (One year validity) Rs 5000 /-
Location : S.R.Nagar, Hyderabad.
1. Introduction to java
2. History of java
3. Difference between java and c++
4. Platform dependency and independency
5. How to install java and about Environment variables
6. Defineing JVM
7. JVM Architecture ( where the JRE stands in the whole architecture)
8. First java Programe ( Hello Wrold )
9. Understanding internals of JVM ( class Loader , Execution Engine (Interpreter , JIT (Just in time Compiler and Adptive Optimizer style )) )
10. Datatypes, variables, Keywords and Identifiers
11. Binarly literals , Underscore in Numeric literal of java 7.
12. Operators ,keywrod and Expressions as proceed
13. Naming Conventions in Java
14. Control Flow Statements
15. String with java Switch construct.
1. Java Introspection
2. Java.lang.mgmt
3. Java.lang.ref ( SoftReference , WeakReference and PhantomReference )
4. Design patten based on context.
Check for more info....
Faculty: Mr. Prathap
Duration: 1 Month (Daily two hours)
Only Core Java: Rs 1000 /-
Basic Java Package (Core Java + Adv.Java + Oracle): RS 3000 /-
Complete Java Package (Core Java + Adv.Java + Oracle Struts + Hibernate + Spring + Webserivices + Design Patterns + Java Real Time Tools,.....) (One year validity) Rs 5000 /-
Location : S.R.Nagar, Hyderabad.
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143
1. Introduction to java
2. History of java
3. Difference between java and c++
4. Platform dependency and independency
5. How to install java and about Environment variables
6. Defineing JVM
7. JVM Architecture ( where the JRE stands in the whole architecture)
8. First java Programe ( Hello Wrold )
9. Understanding internals of JVM ( class Loader , Execution Engine (Interpreter , JIT (Just in time Compiler and Adptive Optimizer style )) )
10. Datatypes, variables, Keywords and Identifiers
11. Binarly literals , Underscore in Numeric literal of java 7.
12. Operators ,keywrod and Expressions as proceed
13. Naming Conventions in Java
14. Control Flow Statements
15. String with java Switch construct.
1. Class
2. Object and Instance
3. Object Oriented Programming and benefit.
4. Non-static / instance members ( understanding non-static members essence)
5. Static / class Members ( understanding static keyword in detail)
6. Polymorphism ( Static polymorphism / method overloading / early binding)
7. Constructors
8. Java this keyword and its usages
9. Creating java package , putting classes inside package.
10. Java 5 static import
2. Object and Instance
3. Object Oriented Programming and benefit.
4. Non-static / instance members ( understanding non-static members essence)
5. Static / class Members ( understanding static keyword in detail)
6. Polymorphism ( Static polymorphism / method overloading / early binding)
7. Constructors
8. Java this keyword and its usages
9. Creating java package , putting classes inside package.
10. Java 5 static import
1. Java.lang.CharSequence
2. java.lang.String
3. java.lang.StringBuffer
4. java.lang.StringBuilder
2. java.lang.String
3. java.lang.StringBuffer
4. java.lang.StringBuilder
Few Misc. till now:
1. Arrays
2. Command Line Arguments
3. Enhanced for Loop
4. Variable length argument
5. Overloading main() method
6. Java wrapper classes ( Boxing and Un-Boxing , AutoBoxing and Auto-Un-Boxing)
7. Enums
8. TypeSafe Enums
9. Walk through java.lang.Math
2. Command Line Arguments
3. Enhanced for Loop
4. Variable length argument
5. Overloading main() method
6. Java wrapper classes ( Boxing and Un-Boxing , AutoBoxing and Auto-Un-Boxing)
7. Enums
8. TypeSafe Enums
9. Walk through java.lang.Math
OPPS ctnd:
1. Inheritence and javas Style for Inheritence
2. Java super keyword and its usages
3. Polymorphism (Dynamic polymorphism / Method Over-riding / late Binding)
4. Abstract Classes
5. Final Classes
6. Interfaces
7. Inner Classes ( Member inner class , static inner classs , local inner class and Anonymous inner class)
8. java Access Specifies, Access Modifiers.
2. Java super keyword and its usages
3. Polymorphism (Dynamic polymorphism / Method Over-riding / late Binding)
4. Abstract Classes
5. Final Classes
6. Interfaces
7. Inner Classes ( Member inner class , static inner classs , local inner class and Anonymous inner class)
8. java Access Specifies, Access Modifiers.
Exception Handling
1. Understaing abnormal and normal flow of
2. Exception handling, Exception propogation , Exception raiseing.
3. Understanding java constrct to deal with Exceptions. ( try , catch , finally , throw and thorws )
4. Differentiate Checked and Un-Checked Exception.
5. Creating User-Defined Exception ( Checked and un-checked )
6. Exception Chaining / nested Exception.
7. Multi catch and re-raiseing exception.
2. Exception handling, Exception propogation , Exception raiseing.
3. Understanding java constrct to deal with Exceptions. ( try , catch , finally , throw and thorws )
4. Differentiate Checked and Un-Checked Exception.
5. Creating User-Defined Exception ( Checked and un-checked )
6. Exception Chaining / nested Exception.
7. Multi catch and re-raiseing exception.
Multi Threading
1. Multi-tasking , Multi-processing and Multi-Threading
2. Monitors , Object Locking , Mutual exclusion and Co-operation.
3. Synchronization supports in the Instruction set.
4. Synchronized Statements
5. Synchronized Methods.
6. Java.lang.Runnable and java.lang.Thread .
7. Creating own Thread.
8. Thread life-cycle in java.
9. Thread Priority ( don’t realy on this instead realy on Thread Synchronization )
10.Understanding wait() , notify() , notifyAll() , join() ,sleep()…
2. Monitors , Object Locking , Mutual exclusion and Co-operation.
3. Synchronization supports in the Instruction set.
4. Synchronized Statements
5. Synchronized Methods.
6. Java.lang.Runnable and java.lang.Thread .
7. Creating own Thread.
8. Thread life-cycle in java.
9. Thread Priority ( don’t realy on this instead realy on Thread Synchronization )
10.Understanding wait() , notify() , notifyAll() , join() ,sleep()…
Input / Output Streams
1. Introduction
2.understanding byte stream and character stream
3. and hierarchy
4. and hierarchy.
5. File and FileInpustStream.
6. Random Access File
7. Java Object Serialization and Deserialization.
8. Understanding java 7 try with Resource.
9. Java.nio on demand
2.understanding byte stream and character stream
3. and hierarchy
4. and hierarchy.
5. File and FileInpustStream.
6. Random Access File
7. Java Object Serialization and Deserialization.
8. Understanding java 7 try with Resource.
9. Java.nio on demand
Java Collection FrameWrok
1. Introduction to Collection.
2. Understanding java.util legacy collection classes ( Stack , Vector , Hashtable , Enumeration …)
3. Java Generics.
4. Java.util.List and Subtypes.
5. Java.util.Set and Subtypes.
6. Java.util.Map and Subtypes.
7. Java.util.Queue and subtypes.
8. date and time facilities
9. miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array).
2. Understanding java.util legacy collection classes ( Stack , Vector , Hashtable , Enumeration …)
3. Java Generics.
4. Java.util.List and Subtypes.
5. Java.util.Set and Subtypes.
6. Java.util.Map and Subtypes.
7. Java.util.Queue and subtypes.
8. date and time facilities
9. miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array).
1. Introduction
2. Socket , Server Socket
3. Client- Server communication
2. Socket , Server Socket
3. Client- Server communication
Metadata (java Annotations)
1. Java.lang.annotation package
2. Understanding ElementType and RetentionPolicy
3. Creating our own annotion using @interface
4. Brief idea about Annotation processing.
2. Understanding ElementType and RetentionPolicy
3. Creating our own annotion using @interface
4. Brief idea about Annotation processing.
Reflection API
1. Understanding java dynamic proxy and brief
idea about CGLIB proxy
2. Understanding java.lang.reflect package elements.
2. Understanding java.lang.reflect package elements.
Java concurrency API
1. java.util.concurrent
2. java.util.concurrent.atomic
3. java.util.concurrent.locks
4. Executor, ExecutorSerivce, Thread pool , CountDownLatch , Semaphore , Callable , Future ,Fork and Join model , Lock , Condition , ReentrantLock…
5. concurrent collections
Few more Misc:1. java.util.concurrent
2. java.util.concurrent.atomic
3. java.util.concurrent.locks
4. Executor, ExecutorSerivce, Thread pool , CountDownLatch , Semaphore , Callable , Future ,Fork and Join model , Lock , Condition , ReentrantLock…
5. concurrent collections
1. Java Introspection
2. Java.lang.mgmt
3. Java.lang.ref ( SoftReference , WeakReference and PhantomReference )
4. Design patten based on context.
Check for more info....
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