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Sunday, September 21, 2014

C++ on 22nd Sep (Monday) at 7:30PM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Kiran

Programming Paradigms
  •          Why new Programming Paradigms
  •          Evolution of Programming Paradigms
  •          Limitations of POP’s
  •          An Overview of C Language
  •          Merits and Demerits of C Language
Moving From C to C++
  •          Introduction
  •          Streams Based I/O
  •          Keywords
  •          Operators
  •          Manipulators
  •          Simple Programming in C++
Modular Programming with Functions in C++
  •          An Overview of Functions
  •          Inline Functions
  •          References Variables
  •          Function Overloading
  •          Default Argument
  •          C++ Stack
  •          Runtime Memory Management
Introduction to Object Oriented
  •          Object Oriented Analysis
  •          Object Oriented Analysis –Activities
  •          Object Oriented Programming
  •          Class and Objects
  •          Class Specification
  •          Class Objects
  •          Accessing Class Members
  •          Defining Member Functions
  •          Outside Member Functions as Inline
  •          Structures and Classes
  •          Difference between Inside and Outside the Defining Member Functions
  •          Advantages of Inside and Outside Member Functions
  •          Data Hiding
  •          Accessing Boundary of Objects
  •          Pointers and Arrays within a class
  •          Passing Objects as Arguments
  •          Returning Objects From Functions
  •          Constant Member Functions
  •          this pointer
Object Initialization and Cleanup
  •          Constructors
  •          Parameterized Constructors
  •          Destructor
  •          Constructor Overloading
  •          Order of Construction and Destruction
  •          Constructor with Default Arguments
  •          Nameless objects
  •          Dynamic Initialization through Constructors
  •          Copy Mechanism and Types
  •          Copy Constructor
  •          Constructors with single and Two Dimensional Arrays
  •          Static Data Member and Functions
  •          Static Data with Constructors and Destructors
  •          Nested  Classes
  •          Singleton Classes
  •          Generalization and Specialization
  •          Base and Derived classes
  •          Derived class Derivation
  •          Forms of Inheritance
  •          Inheritance and Member Accessibility
  •          Single Inheritance on Different Derivations
  •          Constructors in Derived classes
  •          Destructors in Derived classes
  •          Constructors Invocation and Data Members Initialization
  •          Multilevel Inheritance
  •          Multiple Inheritance
  •          Hierarchical Inheritance
  •          Virtual Base classes
  •          Hybrid Inheritance
  •          Composition Classes
  •          When to use Inheritance
  •          Granting Access
  •          Friend Functions and Classes
  •          Friend with Inheritance
 Operator Overloading
  •          Introduction
  •          Overloadable Operators
  •          Unary Operators
  •          Operator Keyword
  •          Operator Return values
  •          Nameless Temporary objects
  •          Limitations of increment/Decrement Operators
  •          Binary Operator Overloading
  •          Arithmetic Operators
  •          Concatenation of Strings
  •          Comparison Operators
  •          Overloading Assignment Operators
  •          Comparison of Copy Constructor and Assignment Operators
  •          Overloading new and Delete operators
  •          Data Conversion
  •          Conversion between Basic Data types
  •          Conversion between objects and Basic Data types
  •          Conversion between Objects of Different Classes
  •          Overloading with Friend Functions
  •          Compile Time Polymorphism
  •          Run Time Polymorphism
  •          Need for Virtual Functions
  •          Pointer to Derived Class objects
  •          Definition of Virtual Functions
  •          Virtual Table
  •          Array of Pointers to base Class objects
  •          Pure Virtual Functions
  •          Abstract classes
  •          Virtual Destructors
  •          How is Dynamic Binding Achieved
  •          Rules for Virtual Functions
  •          RTTI Overview
Generic Programming with Templates
  • Introduction
  • Function Templates
  • Overloaded Function Templates
  • Nesting of Function calls
  • Multiple Arguments Function Template
  • User Defined Template Arguments
  • Class Templates
  • Inheritance of class Templates
  • Class Templates with Overloaded Operators
Stream Computation with Console
  • What are Streams
  • Predefined Console Streams
  • Hierarchy of Console Stream classes
  • Unformatted I/O Operations
  • Formatted Console I/O Operations
  • Manipulators
  • User Defined Manipulators
  • Opening and closing of Files
  • Files Modes
  • Sequential Access to a File
  • File Input/Output with fstream class
  • Random Access to a File
  • Developing a Project on Using Object Orieanted Concepts
Exception Handling
  •          Introduction
  •          Error Handling
  •          Exception Handling Model
  •          List of Exceptions
  •          Using Exception Inheritance, Operator Overloading
  •          Drawbacks of C++ Exceptions
Introduction to NameSpaces

• Solving technical interview questions from different companies on each topic in the classroom.
• Project implementation

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