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Friday, August 29, 2014

PHP With My Sql 4th Sep(Thursday) By Mr.Raghuveer 1:30PM Maitrivanam(Hyd)

PHP With My Sql 4th Sep(Thursday) By Mr.Raghuveer 1:30PM Maitrivanam(Hyd)

Batch Date: Sep 4th @ 1:30PM

Faculty: Mr. Raghuveer

Duration: 2 Months

Fee:  2500 INR + reg fee 100 Rs.

Location : S.R NAGAR, Hyderabad.
Venue :
#202, 2nd floor, HUDA Maitrivanam ,
Ameerpet ,Hyderabad-500 038.
Contact: 040-64512786, 09246212143
Client Side Concepts
1. Introduction
2. Basic Tags
3. Text Formatting Tags
4. Entities
5. Lists
6. Images
7. Links
8. Tables
9. Forms
10. Frames
11. Special Tags
12. Head part
15. Designing website using div

CSS (Cascading style sheets)
1. Style sheet Basics
2. Various selectors
3. Properties
4. Values of each property

Javascript and DHTML
1. Introduction
2. Variables
3. DataTypes
4. Operators
5. Control Structures
6. Functions

  • Math Functions
  • Date Functions
  • String Functions
  • Array Functions
  • Pop-up Functions
7. Events
  • Mouse Events
  • KeyBoard Events
  • Form Events
  • Page Events
8. Document Object Model (DOM)
9. Form Validations
10. Regular Expresions

PHP with MySQL
Basic PHP 1.Introduction
2.Xampp Installation
3.Configuration settings
4.Basic PHP syntax
5.Output Functions in PHP
  • Local
  • static
  • global
  • superglobal
7. Constants
  • a) . global constants .UserDefined .PreDefined
  • b).Magic Constants
  • c).Class Constants
8. varible functions
9. DataTypes
  • Scalar
  • Compound
  • Special
10. Operators
11. Type Conversions
12. Type Juggling
13. Control Structures
14. Functions
15. Math Functions
16. String Functions
17. Array Functions
18. Date Functions
19. Error Handling
20. Include and require Functions
Advanced PHP
1. File and Directory Functions
2. Buffering
3. Headers
4. File Uploading and Downloading
5. Cookies
6. Sessions
7. MySQL Database
  • Introduction
  • Mysql Datatypes
  • Mysql Functions
  • DDL
  • DML
  • DRL
  • DCL
  • TCL
  • Constraints
  • Data export and import
8. Php with MySql
9. Pagenation
10. Object Oriented Programing(OOPS)
  • classes&objects
  • constructors and Destructors
  • Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Encapsulation
  • abstract and final keywords
  • Exceptions
11. AJAX
12. JQuery
13. Report generation
14. Sending Mails and Messages
15. CMS Tools
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • OSCommerse)
(Installation and introduction only)
16. Mini Project
100+ class room examples
100+ Homework problems
100+ hours of classroom discussion
1. What s JQuery.
2. Downloading and Installing JQuery.
3. Creating a Simple page in JQuery.
4. Overview of JQuery Features.
5. Selectors and Filters.
6. Traversing.
7. Chaining.
8. Annotating.
9. Manipulating page content.
10. Creating, Setting and Getting Content.
11. Attributes.
12. Insert.
13. Wrapping, Replacing, Removing Content
14. JQuery with CSS
15. Realtime Examples
16. Working with Events
- Overview of Events
- Events Functions
- Functions
- Helper Functions
- Objects
- Miscellaneous Functions
17. Animations and Effects
18. JQuery UI Library
- Interactions
- Draggable
- Droppable
- Resizable
- Selectable
- Sortable
- Widgets
- Accordion
- Autocomplete
- Button
- Datepicker
- Dialog
- Progressbar
- Slider
- Tabs
- Effects
- Effect, Show, Hide, Toggle,Color animation, Add class, Remove class, Toggle class, Switch class
19. JQuery Themeroller
20. Menus & Navigation bar
21. Image Banners and Carousel
22. Data table Grid
Intoduction to HTML5

Whats new in HTML5
  • HTML5 vs HTML4
  • Structural Tags
  • Content Tags
  • Application Focussed Tags
  • Deprecated Elements
  • API Overview
  • Content Models
  • Outline Algorithm
  • Role of Div Tags
  • Using ID and CLASS Attributes
  • Doctype Declaration
  • Charecter Encoding
Structuring HTML5
  • Basic Page Structure
  • Top Level Elements
  • Interior Content
  • Building Headers
  • Checking Document Outlines
  • Ensuring Cross-Browser Structure
HTML5 Deprecated Tags
  • Input Type
  • Autofocus
  • Placeholder
  • Making Require Fields
  • Working with Number and Inputs
  • Datepicker
HTML5 API Support
  • Video and Audio
  • Drag and Drop API
  • SVG
  • App Cache (or) Offline Applications
  • Geolocation
  • WebSocket
  • Web Workers
  • File API
-Accessing File information
-Reading File Content
  • Web Storage
-Local Storage
-Session Storage
  • Web SQL
  • Canvas Overview
-Adding Canvas Content
-Drawing in the Canvas Environment
-Complex Canvas Drawing Techniques
-Advanced Canvas Drawing Techniques
 CSS3 :
CSS 2.0 vs CSS 3.0
Introduction to CSS3
Whats new in CSS 3.0 Border Radius
Box Shadow
Text Shadow
@Font Face
Google fonts
Multiple Columns
Box Resize
Box Sizing
Overview of CSS 3.0 compatabilities for Internet
CSS Frameworks
Converting Layout to HTML 5 & CSS 3
HTML 5 Polyfills for Crossbrowser CompatabilityCheck for more info......................

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