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Sunday, December 28, 2014

C#.Net (Fastrack) on 29th Dec (Monday) 7:00PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Wilson

Introduction to .Net
  • .Net Framework
  • Features of .Net
  • Common Type System
  • Common Language Specification
  • Common Language Runtime
  • MSIL
  • Base Class Library
  • Assemblies
  • Garbage Collection
  • Stack and Heap
  • Architecture of GC
  • Application Domain
.Net Framework 3.0  and 3.5 features

Silver light


Multi Framework Support


.Net Framework 4.0 features
  • Cloud
  • ASP.NET MVC web application
  • Sharepoint Project
  • Silverlight project
.Net Framework 4.5 features
  • Metro UI application Develoopmen
  • Gaming applications
  • HTML5 and CSS 3 integration
  • Semantic code analysis
Visual C# Language
  • Introduction to VC#
  • Features of  VC#
  • Data Types
  • Value Types and Reference Types
  • Type Conversion
  • Boxing and UnBoxing
  • Basic Programming constructs
  • Statements  & Expressions
  • Methods, Arrays
  • Structures and Enumerations
Object Oriented Programming with VC#
  • Classes and Objects
  • Interface
  • Data Encapsulation, Data Abstraction
  • Fields and Properties
  • Access Modifiers
  • Abstract Classes and Sealed Classes
  • Constructor and Destructor
  • Static and Instance Members
  • Inheritance
  • Method overloading and overriding
  • Operator Overloading
  • Delegate – Unicast and Multicast
  • Event Handling
  • Collection,Dictionaries,String,String builder
  • Indexers
  • Attributes, Namespaces,Generics
  • Anonymous methods, Iterators
  • Partial Types
  • Nullable Types
GUI Application Development
  • Windows Forms
  • Controls, their properties and Events
  • Programming with Advanced controls
Creating User Defined Controls
Error Handling
  • Structured Error Handling
  • Debugging the application
  • Dubug and Trace classes
  • Introduction to ADO.NET
  • ADO.NET Architecture
  • ADO.NET managed providers
  • Connection and Command Objects
  • DataReader
  • DataAdapter and DataSet
  • DataRelations and DataSet
  • Connected and Disconnected Environment
  • Connection Pooling
  • ADO.NET Exceptions
  • using Stored Procedures
  • N-tier Application
  • ADO.NET and XML
  • LINQ
      • Linq to object
      • Linq to sql
      • Linq to XML
  • ADO.NET Entity Framework
  • Object Relational Mapping
  • XML basics
  • System.Xml Namespace
  • Classess related to XML
  • XML derived technologies- XSD,XSL,SOAP,WSDL
File Handling
Multi Threading
  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Introduction to Assemblies
  • Disadvantages of COM
  • Creating Private and Shared Assemblies
  • Strong name, GAC, COM Interoperability
  • Satellite Assembly
  .Net Remoting
  • Distributed Architecture
  • Remoting & Web Service comparison
  • DCOM
  • Drawbacks of DCOM
  • Channels, Formatters, Activation
Windows Services
  • Service Base Class
  • Service Installer
  • Service Process installer
  • Installutil utility
Crystal Reports
  • Crystal Reports – Reporting tool
  • Different versions of crystal reports
  • Developing a crystal Report
Setup and Deployment
Windows Communication Foundation
  • Introduction
  • Contracts
  • Security
  • Using different protocols etc

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