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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

WCF on 30th Dec (Tuesday) 2:00PM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr.Wilson

Windows Communication Foundation
  • .Net Remoting
  • Xml web services
  • Xml web services Vs. Wcf Service
  • WCF Overview
  • SOA Overview
  • Design goals of SOA
  • WCF Architecture
  • WCF concepts
  • Addresses
  • Contracts
  • Bindings
  • Hosting
  • Clients
  • Contracts
    • Service contracts
    • Operation Contracts
    • Data Contracts
    • Message Contracts
    • Implements Contracts
  • Configuring Services
    • Hosting Services
    • Self Hosting, Hosting in IIS and WAS Hosting
    • Hosting using configuration
    • Creating and binding using end points
    • Using behavior configuration
    • Securing services
    • Sessions, Instancing  and concurrency
  • Building Clients
    • Building client applications
    • Using Configuration files
    • Calling operations asynchronously
  • Client runtime behaviors
  • Securing clients
  • LINQ in  WCF
  • AJAX enabled WCF service
  • Faults
    • Errors and exceptions
    • Fault Contracts
    • Error handling Extensions
  • Transactions
  • Security
    • Transport and Message security
    • Bindings and Security
    • Authentication and authorization
    • Security techniques using TCP based wcf service
    • Security techniques using HTTP base wcf service
  • Queues and Reliable Sessions
    • Introduction to MSMQ
    • Queueing in wcf
    •   Overview or Reliable Sessions
  • REST
  • WCF Service in ASP.Net mvc
Web application.
  • WCF 4.5 features
  • Improved intellisence support in 2012
  • New Https protocol mapping in IIS
  • Multiple authentication support for single endpoint
  • UDP (user datagram protocol) endpoint support
  • Web Socket support
  •    Data Services

ASP.NET on 1st Jan (Thursday) 3:30PM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr.Mahesh Babu

An Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
What are the differences between ASP.Net Web Forms and ASP.Net MVC?
History of ASP.Net MVC
Creating An ASP.Net MVC Application
The Architecture of an ASP.NET MVC Internet Application
ASP.NET MVC Folder Conventions
What is a Controller and What is Use Of it?
Overview of Routing Engine
Creating Controllers
Return Types of Action Methods and Their Purpose
What is a View and What is Use of It?
View Engines. ASPX Engine and Razor View Engine
Razor View Engine Syntax
Partial Views
What is Partial View? What is Use Of It?
Creating Partial Views
Using Partial Views
What is a Model and What is the use of a Model?
Types Of Models
Creating Data Model
Html Helpers
What is Html Helper and What is the use of it?
Crating Html Helpers
Strongly Typed Html Helpers
Templated Html Helpers
Creating Custom Html Helpers
Creating Submit Button Html Helper
Using TagBuilder Class
Using HtmlTextWriter Class
Data Annotations and Validations
What is Data Annotation and what is the use of it?
Data Annotation Attributes in ASP.Net MVC
Annotation Attributes from System.Web.Mvc Namespace
Custom Error Messages and Localization
Display and Edit Annotations
CRUD Operations On Database Using ASP.Net MVC
What are CRUD Operations
How To Implement CRUD Operations With ASP.Net MVC
What is a Filter and What is The Use Of A Filter?
Applying Filters To Controllers and Actions
Authorization Filter
Exception Filter
Using Action Filters
Using Result Filters
Using Global Filters
URL Routing
What is URL Routing and What are Advantages of It?
Creating and Registering a Route
Defining Default Values
Using Static URL Segments
Route Ordering
Defining Optional URL Segments
Defining Variable Length Routes
Master Pages and Layout Pages
What is a Master Page and What is a layout page?
Purpose of Master Page or Layout Page
Creating Layout Pages
Using Layout Pages
Caching In ASP.Net MVC
What is Caching? What is Use Of Caching?
Using OutputCache Attribute
Varying Output By Parameter
Using Cache Profiles
Using The Cache API
Authentication In ASP.Net MVC
Creating Users and Roles
Using the Web Site Administration Tool
Using the Account Controller
Authorizing Users
Using the Authorize Attribute
Using the User Property
Configuring Membership
Configuring the Membership Database
Configuring Membership Settings
Using the Membership and Role Manager API
Using Windows Authentication
Configuring Windows Authentication
Authenticating Windows Users and Groups
Working With Ajax In JQuery
Unobtrusive Ajax
Enabling Project For Unobtrusive Ajax
Using Jquery In ASP.Net MVC Application
Using Jquery UI Plugin In ASP.Net MVC
ASP.Net MVC 4 Features
Bundling And Minification
OAuth And Open ID

PL/SQL on 2nd Jan (Friday) 4:00PM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr.Krishna Reddy

• Introduction to programming languages
• Introduction to PL/SQL
• PL/SQL Architecture
• PL/SQL Data types
• Variable and constants
• Using built_in functions
• Conditional and unconditional statements

  • Simple IF,ELSIF, ELSE…IF
  • Selection case, simple case, GOTO label and EXIT
• Iterations in PL/SQL
• SQL within PL/SQL
• Composite data types (complete)
• Cursor management in PL/SQL
  • Implicit cursors
  • Explicit cursors
  • Cursor attributes
  • Cursor with parameters
  • Cursors with LOOPs
  • Cursors with sub queries
  • Ref.cursors
• Record and PL/SQL Table types

Advanced PL/SQL
Procedures in PL/SQL:
• PROCEDURE with prameters (IN,OUT and IN OUT)
• POSITIONAL Notation and NAMED Notation
• Procedure with cursors
• Dropping a procedure

Functions in PL/SQL
• Difference between procedures and functions
• User defined functions
• Nested functions
• Using stored function in SQL statements

Packages in PL/SQL:
• Creating PACKAGE specification and PACKAGE body
• Private and public objects in PACKAGE

Types of exceptions:
• User defined exceptions
• Pre defined exceptions
• SQL Error code values

Data base triggers in PL/SQL:
Types of triggers
• Row level triggers
• Statement level triggers
• DDL Triggers
• Trigger auditing

File input/output:
• PL/SQL file I/O (input/output) using UTL_FILE package
Implementing object technology
• What is object technology?
• OOPS-object instances
• Creation of objects
• Creating user defined data types
• Creating object tables
• Inserting rown in a table using objects
• Retrieving data from object based tables
• Calling a method
• Indexing abstract data type attributes

Using LOBS
• Large objects (LOBS)
• Creting tables-LOB
• Working with LOB values
• Inserting, updating & Deleting values in LOBs
• Populating lobis DBMS_LOB routines
• Using B-FILE

Using collections
• Advantages of collection
• Ref cursor (dynamic cursor)
• Weak ref cursor
• Strong ref cursor
• Nested tables VARRAYS or VARYING arrays
• Creating tables using nested tables
• Inserting, updating & deleting nested table records
• Nested table in PL/SQL

Oracle data base architecture
• Introduction to oracle database architecture
• Physical structures logical structures
• DB Memory structures background process
• 2tire, 3tire, N-tier architecture

Advanced features
• 9i joines
• New date function
• Rename column
• Inner join/natural join
• Left outer join/right outer join
• Full outer join
• Multiple inserts
• Insert all command
• Merge statement
• CASE expression of select command
• Temporary tables/global tables
• New function EXTRACT()
• Autonomous traction
• Pragma_autonomous_transaction()
• Returning into clause
• Bulk collect
• About flash back queries
• Dynamic SQL
• New 11g features

• Data base
• Table space
• Types of tablespaces
• Datafiles/se

MSBI on 2nd Jan (Friday) 9:00AM-10:30AM at Kphb(Hyd) by Mr.Bhaskar

SQL Server:
 Introducing SQL Server 2008 R2
 What's New in SQL Server
 SQL Server History and Editions
 Basics of Database Design
 Introduction to RDBMS
 ERD Modelling
 Normalization and Demoralization
 Business Integrity
 Constraints in SQL Server
 Data Types
 SQL Server 2008 R2 Architecture
 Files and File Groups
 Transaction Logs
 DDL and DML Commands
 Operators
 Variables
§ Local
§ Global
 Programming Constructs
 System Functions
 SELECT Statements
 Basic Select Statements
§ Using Where Clause
 Advanced Select Statements
§ Joins
 Inner Join
 Outer Join
1. Left outer join
2. Right outer Join
3. Full Outer Join
 Cross Join
 Self Join
§ Sub Queries, Correlated Sub Queries
§ Case Statements
 Cube Operator
 Rollup Operator

 Triggers
 Need
 Features
 Types of Triggers
§ After
§ Instead of
 Creating, Altering, Dropping DML Triggers
 Magic Tables
 Recursive and Nested Triggers
 Views
 Need
 Features
 Types of views
 View Maintenance
 Stored Procedures
 Need
 Features
 Types of Stored Procedures
§ User Defined Stored Procedures
§ System Stored Procedures
 Functions
 Need
 Features
 Types of Functions
 Indexes
 What Is An Index?
 Types Of Indexes
 Features
 Tuning Queries for improve Performance
 Tuning Indexes for improve Performance
 Transactions
 Need
 Features
 Transaction Properties (ACID)
 Transactions Types
 Transaction Logs
 Checkpoint
 Save Point

 Distributed Transactioning
 Nested Transactions
 Concurrency and Locks
 Problems Related to Concurrency
 Transaction Isolations
 Locking
 Lock Hints
 Lock Escalation
 Live locks
 Deadlocks
 Blocking
 Advanced Transact-SQL
 Ranking Functions
 Cursors
 Common Table Expression(CTE)
 PIVOT and Unpivot
 Exception Handling (Error Handling)
SSRS Course Content
 Data Warehouse Concepts
 Introduction to BI
 Introduction to SSRS
 SSRS Architecture
 Tools in SSRS
ü Report Designer
ü Report Manager
ü Report Builder
 Tools available in the Market to create Reports
 Scenarios to use SSRS
 Lifecycle of the Report (Phases in the Report)
 What is a Report
 Data Sources
 Data Sets
 Shared Vs Embedded Data Sources/Data Sets
 Steps to create a Report
 SSRS Data Regions
ü Table
ü Matrix
ü List
ü Chart
ü Gauge
ü Image
ü Nested Data Regions
ü Sub Reports
ü Indicator etc
 Types of Reports
ü Tabular and Matrix Reports
ü Drill Down Reports
ü Drill Thru Reports
ü Parameterized Reports
 Single value Parameters
 Multiple Value Parameters
ü Customized Reports using List Control
ü Nested Data Region Reports
ü Document Map Reports
ü Chart, Gauge, Indicator, Image Reports
 More Features in SSRS
ü Use of Row Group and Column Groups
ü Add Report Header and Report Footer
ü Add Page Numbers, Execution Time etc in the Footer
ü Expressions in the Reports
ü Conditional Formatting
ü Date and Currency Format
ü Using Sorting
ü Add Page Breaks Before and After
ü Add Background Images in the Report
ü Report Format - Changing Style, Font, Color etc
ü Report Performance Tuning
 Build and Deploy a Report to the Report Server
 Report Server Configuration
 View Reports On Line
 Export Reports to different formats – Excel, PDF, Tiff, CSV etc,.
 Introduction to Report Manager
 Managing Reports
ü Subscriptions (for Report Delivery)
 Push (Thru E-mail)
 Pull (Thru Shared Folder)
ü Linked Reports
ü Snapshot of a Report
ü Report Security
ü Cache a Report
ü Report Builder to Create Ad-hoc Reports
ü Introduction to Data Warehouse Concepts
o What is Data Warehouse
o Need for Data Warehouse
o What is BI
o Tools for BI
o Goals of BI
o Dimension and Fact Tables
o Cube
o Measure
o Surrogate Keys
o Data Warehouse Schemas
§ Star Schema
§ Snow Flake Schema
o Cube Storage
o Data Warehouse vs. Data Marts
ü Introduction to SSIS
o Understand BIDS Components
o DTS vs. SSIS
o Control Flow
o Data Flow
o Event Handlers
o Package Explorer
o Connection Managers etc
ü Introduction to Control Flow Items
o Containers
§ ForLoop Container
§ ForEachLoop Container
§ Sequential Container
o Predecessor Constraints
o Control Flow Tasks
§ Data Flow
§ Execute SQL Task
§ File System Tasks
§ DBA Related Tasks etc
ü Data Flow Items
o Data Flow Sources
o Data Flow Destinations
o Data Flow Transformations
§ Aggregate
§ Audit
§ Sort
§ Merge
§ Merge Join
§ Union All
§ Lookup
§ Fuzzy Lookup
§ Fuzzy Grouping
§ Conditional Split
§ Export Column
§ Import Column
§ Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)
§ Derived Column
§ Copy Column
§ Cache Transformation etc,.
ü SSIS Variables and Expressions
o System Variables
o Local Variables
o Expressions
o Transactions and Check Points in SSIS packages
ü Create, Build and Deploy a package
o Create Package
o Build Package
o Deploy package
§ Add config files
§ Add Logging
§ Add Event Handlers
§ Add Error Handling and Debugging
§ Types of Deployments
® SQL Server
® File System
ü Schedule SSIS Packages
o Introduction to SQL Server Agent Service
o Create a Job to Schedule the Package Execution
o Introduction to MSDB database
o Connect to Integration Server and Execute the Package
o Run the package using DTEXEC cmd
SSAS Course Content

What Is Microsoft Business Intelligence?
  • Define Business Intelligence.
  • Understand the Cube Structure.
  • Deploy and View a Sample Cube.
  • View a Cube by using Excel.
  • View a Cube by using SQL Reporting Services.
OLAP Modeling
  • Understand Basic OLAP Modeling (star schema).
  • Understand Dimensional Modeling (stars and snowflakes)
  • Understand Measure (fact) and Cube Modeling.
  • Model with SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS).
Intermediate SSAS
  • Learn how to Create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Discover how to Create Perspectives.
  • See how to Create Translations for Cubes and Dimensions.
  • Review the three SSAS Action Object Types: Regular, Drillthrough, and Reporting.
Cube Storage and Aggregation
  • View Aggregation Designs.
  • Customize Aggregation Designs.
  • Implement Proactive Caching.
  • Understand Writeback in Dimensions.
  • Review Semi-Additive Measures in OLAP Cubes.
Understand Basic MDX Syntax
  • Understand Basic MDX Syntax.
  • CUse the MDX Query Editor in SSMS.
  • Understand Common MDX Functions and Tasks.
  • Understand Writeback in Dimensions.
MDX Expressions
  • Understand the Calculation Subtab.
  • Learn how to add Calculated Members.
  • Understand Common MDX Functions and Tasks.
  • Explore how to add MDX Script Commands.
SSAS Administration
  • Implement SSAS Security .
  • Implement XMLA Scripts in SSMS.
  • Deploy and Synchronize Databases.
  • Understand SSAS Database Backup and Restore.
Ameerpet branch
Batch Date: Jan 2nd @5:00PM to 6:3PM
Faculty: Mr.Bhaskar Jogi
Duration: 60 days
Fee: 12000 (INR)
Location: Ameerpet, Hyderabad
#101, First Floor,
Revathi Apartments,
Opp. Annapurna Block,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad.

MSBI on 2nd Jan (Friday) 5:00PM-6:30PM at Ameerpet(Hyd) by Mr.Bhaskar

SQL Server:
 Introducing SQL Server 2008 R2
 What's New in SQL Server
 SQL Server History and Editions
 Basics of Database Design
 Introduction to RDBMS
 ERD Modelling
 Normalization and Demoralization
 Business Integrity
 Constraints in SQL Server
 Data Types
 SQL Server 2008 R2 Architecture
 Files and File Groups
 Transaction Logs
 DDL and DML Commands
 Operators
 Variables
§ Local
§ Global
 Programming Constructs
 System Functions
 SELECT Statements
 Basic Select Statements
§ Using Where Clause
 Advanced Select Statements
§ Joins
 Inner Join
 Outer Join
1. Left outer join
2. Right outer Join
3. Full Outer Join
 Cross Join
 Self Join
§ Sub Queries, Correlated Sub Queries
§ Case Statements
 Cube Operator
 Rollup Operator

 Triggers
 Need
 Features
 Types of Triggers
§ After
§ Instead of
 Creating, Altering, Dropping DML Triggers
 Magic Tables
 Recursive and Nested Triggers
 Views
 Need
 Features
 Types of views
 View Maintenance
 Stored Procedures
 Need
 Features
 Types of Stored Procedures
§ User Defined Stored Procedures
§ System Stored Procedures
 Functions
 Need
 Features
 Types of Functions
 Indexes
 What Is An Index?
 Types Of Indexes
 Features
 Tuning Queries for improve Performance
 Tuning Indexes for improve Performance
 Transactions
 Need
 Features
 Transaction Properties (ACID)
 Transactions Types
 Transaction Logs
 Checkpoint
 Save Point

 Distributed Transactioning
 Nested Transactions
 Concurrency and Locks
 Problems Related to Concurrency
 Transaction Isolations
 Locking
 Lock Hints
 Lock Escalation
 Live locks
 Deadlocks
 Blocking
 Advanced Transact-SQL
 Ranking Functions
 Cursors
 Common Table Expression(CTE)
 PIVOT and Unpivot
 Exception Handling (Error Handling)
SSRS Course Content
 Data Warehouse Concepts
 Introduction to BI
 Introduction to SSRS
 SSRS Architecture
 Tools in SSRS
ü Report Designer
ü Report Manager
ü Report Builder
 Tools available in the Market to create Reports
 Scenarios to use SSRS
 Lifecycle of the Report (Phases in the Report)
 What is a Report
 Data Sources
 Data Sets
 Shared Vs Embedded Data Sources/Data Sets
 Steps to create a Report
 SSRS Data Regions
ü Table
ü Matrix
ü List
ü Chart
ü Gauge
ü Image
ü Nested Data Regions
ü Sub Reports
ü Indicator etc
 Types of Reports
ü Tabular and Matrix Reports
ü Drill Down Reports
ü Drill Thru Reports
ü Parameterized Reports
 Single value Parameters
 Multiple Value Parameters
ü Customized Reports using List Control
ü Nested Data Region Reports
ü Document Map Reports
ü Chart, Gauge, Indicator, Image Reports
 More Features in SSRS
ü Use of Row Group and Column Groups
ü Add Report Header and Report Footer
ü Add Page Numbers, Execution Time etc in the Footer
ü Expressions in the Reports
ü Conditional Formatting
ü Date and Currency Format
ü Using Sorting
ü Add Page Breaks Before and After
ü Add Background Images in the Report
ü Report Format - Changing Style, Font, Color etc
ü Report Performance Tuning
 Build and Deploy a Report to the Report Server
 Report Server Configuration
 View Reports On Line
 Export Reports to different formats – Excel, PDF, Tiff, CSV etc,.
 Introduction to Report Manager
 Managing Reports
ü Subscriptions (for Report Delivery)
 Push (Thru E-mail)
 Pull (Thru Shared Folder)
ü Linked Reports
ü Snapshot of a Report
ü Report Security
ü Cache a Report
ü Report Builder to Create Ad-hoc Reports
ü Introduction to Data Warehouse Concepts
o What is Data Warehouse
o Need for Data Warehouse
o What is BI
o Tools for BI
o Goals of BI
o Dimension and Fact Tables
o Cube
o Measure
o Surrogate Keys
o Data Warehouse Schemas
§ Star Schema
§ Snow Flake Schema
o Cube Storage
o Data Warehouse vs. Data Marts
ü Introduction to SSIS
o Understand BIDS Components
o DTS vs. SSIS
o Control Flow
o Data Flow
o Event Handlers
o Package Explorer
o Connection Managers etc
ü Introduction to Control Flow Items
o Containers
§ ForLoop Container
§ ForEachLoop Container
§ Sequential Container
o Predecessor Constraints
o Control Flow Tasks
§ Data Flow
§ Execute SQL Task
§ File System Tasks
§ DBA Related Tasks etc
ü Data Flow Items
o Data Flow Sources
o Data Flow Destinations
o Data Flow Transformations
§ Aggregate
§ Audit
§ Sort
§ Merge
§ Merge Join
§ Union All
§ Lookup
§ Fuzzy Lookup
§ Fuzzy Grouping
§ Conditional Split
§ Export Column
§ Import Column
§ Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)
§ Derived Column
§ Copy Column
§ Cache Transformation etc,.
ü SSIS Variables and Expressions
o System Variables
o Local Variables
o Expressions
o Transactions and Check Points in SSIS packages
ü Create, Build and Deploy a package
o Create Package
o Build Package
o Deploy package
§ Add config files
§ Add Logging
§ Add Event Handlers
§ Add Error Handling and Debugging
§ Types of Deployments
® SQL Server
® File System
ü Schedule SSIS Packages
o Introduction to SQL Server Agent Service
o Create a Job to Schedule the Package Execution
o Introduction to MSDB database
o Connect to Integration Server and Execute the Package
o Run the package using DTEXEC cmd
SSAS Course Content

What Is Microsoft Business Intelligence?
  • Define Business Intelligence.
  • Understand the Cube Structure.
  • Deploy and View a Sample Cube.
  • View a Cube by using Excel.
  • View a Cube by using SQL Reporting Services.
OLAP Modeling
  • Understand Basic OLAP Modeling (star schema).
  • Understand Dimensional Modeling (stars and snowflakes)
  • Understand Measure (fact) and Cube Modeling.
  • Model with SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS).
Intermediate SSAS
  • Learn how to Create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Discover how to Create Perspectives.
  • See how to Create Translations for Cubes and Dimensions.
  • Review the three SSAS Action Object Types: Regular, Drillthrough, and Reporting.
Cube Storage and Aggregation
  • View Aggregation Designs.
  • Customize Aggregation Designs.
  • Implement Proactive Caching.
  • Understand Writeback in Dimensions.
  • Review Semi-Additive Measures in OLAP Cubes.
Understand Basic MDX Syntax
  • Understand Basic MDX Syntax.
  • CUse the MDX Query Editor in SSMS.
  • Understand Common MDX Functions and Tasks.
  • Understand Writeback in Dimensions.
MDX Expressions
  • Understand the Calculation Subtab.
  • Learn how to add Calculated Members.
  • Understand Common MDX Functions and Tasks.
  • Explore how to add MDX Script Commands.
SSAS Administration
  • Implement SSAS Security .
  • Implement XMLA Scripts in SSMS.
  • Deploy and Synchronize Databases.
  • Understand SSAS Database Backup and Restore.
Ameerpet branch
Batch Date: Jan 2nd @5:00PM to 6:3PM
Faculty: Mr.Bhaskar Jogi
Duration: 60 days
Fee: 12000 (INR)
Location: Ameerpet, Hyderabad
#101, First Floor,
Revathi Apartments,
Opp. Annapurna Block,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad.

Adv.Java on 2nd Jan (Friday) 11:00AM at Kphb(Hyd) by Mr.Srinivas


1. Introduction

2. Jdbc Architecture

3. Types of Drivers

4. Statement

5. ResultSet

6. PreparedStatement

7. Connection Modes

8. SavePoint

9. Batch Updations

10. CallableStatement



1. Introduction

2. Web application Architecture

3. Http Protocol & Http Methods

4. Web Server & Web Container

5. Servlet Interface

6. GenericServlet

7. HttpServlet

8. Servlet Life Cycle

9. ServletConfig

10. ServletContext

11. Servlet Chaining



12. Session Tracking Mechanisms

   i) HttpSession

   ii) Cookies

   iii) URL-Rewriting

   iv) Hidden-Form Fields




1. Introduction

2. Jsp LifeCycle

3. Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes

4. Jsp Directives

   i) page

   ii) include

   iii) taglib

5. Jsp Scripting Elements

   i) declaratives

   ii) scriptlets

   iii) expressions

   iv) Jsp Actions

     a.Standard Actions

     b.Custom Actions


1. Eclipse


1. Tomcat



1. Oracle

2. MySQL

Hibernate on 2nd Jan (Friday) 12:30PM at Kphb(Hyd) by Mr.Srinivas

  • Key Features of Hibernate

    • Enterprise Application Architecture.

    • ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

    • Hibernate Architecture.

    • Mapping and Configuration files in Hibernate.

    • Installation, Simple Hibernate Application Requirements.

    • Introduction to IDE.
    • Hello World program in Hibernate
    • Hello World program in Hibernate using eclipse
• Simple CRUD operations.

• Important methods of Session Interface.

• <generator> element.

• State of Objects in Hibernate.

• Inheritance mapping
    • Table per class
    • Table per sub class
    • Table per concrete class
• HQL (Hibernate Query Language).

• Criteria Query.

• Native SQL Query.

• Named Query.

• Relationships in Hibernate.
    • One to One
    • One to Many
    • Many to One
    • Many to Many
• Hibernate Caching Mechanism
    • First level cache
    • Second level cache
• Hibernate Annotations.

• Integration of Hibernate with Servlets and Struts.

CRT on 2nd Jan (Friday) 12:00PM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Team Of Experts



1. Number System

2. L.C.M & H.C.F

3. Problems on Ages

4. Averages

5. Percentages

6. Ratios and Proportion

7. Profit and Loss

8. S.I and C.I

9. Time and Work

10. Time and distance

11. Permutations and combinations

12. Probability

13. Clocks and Calendar

14. Mensuration

15. Mixtures And Alliogations
16. races
17. Trains
18. Boats & Streams
19. Pipes & Cisterns
20. Partnership


1. Blood Relations

2. Directions

3. Coding and Decoding

4. Series

5. Analogy

6. Odd man out

7. Ranking

8. Cubes

9. Problem Solving

10. Syllogism

11. Logical Venn Diagrams

12. Data Sufficiency

13. Data Interpretations

Soft Skills

Resuming Building Tips


Mock Interviews

Personality Development

CRT Verbal Ability

1. Vocabulary

a. Synonyms

b. Antonyms

c. Idioms and Phrases

d. Foreign idiomatic expressions

e. One Word Substitutes

2.Spotting errors

3. Sentence Completion

4. Word Analogy

5. Reading Comprehension (Passages)

6. Theme detection

7. Ordering of Sentences ( Jumbled Sentences)

Key features

Unlimited online practice Tests (

100+ company papers CD

Printed Material for each and every topic

Topic wise Hand Outs for class room discussion

Expert faculty

Aptitude on 2nd Jan (Friday) 12:00PM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Team Of Experts



1. Number System

2. L.C.M & H.C.F

3. Problems on Ages

4. Averages

5. Percentages

6. Ratios and Proportion

7. Profit and Loss

8. S.I and C.I

9. Time and Work

10. Time and distance

11. Permutations and combinations

12. Probability

13. Clocks and Calendar

14. Mensuration

15. Mixtures And Alliogations
16. races
17. Trains
18. Boats & Streams
19. Pipes & Cisterns
20. Partnership


1. Blood Relations

2. Directions

3. Coding and Decoding

4. Series

5. Analogy

6. Odd man out

7. Ranking

8. Cubes

9. Problem Solving

10. Syllogism

11. Logical Venn Diagrams

12. Data Sufficiency

13. Data Interpretations

D2K (Oracle Forms & Reports) on 2nd Jan (Friday) 8:30AM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr.Krishna Reddy

Introduction to D2K:
Advantages, Features, and role of D2K in ERP
Pre-requisites for D2K
Tools used in D2K
Basic Concepts of D2K
How to install & work with D2K
Interfaces of forms
Form Module
Pl/SQL Code Blocks
Types of Data Blocks

Creation of data block through wizards
Creation of Master-Detail data blocks
Product MASTER data entry screen
Creation of data blocks through manually
Manipulating Properties
Create of visual attributes
Creation of property classes
Creation of Object Groups
Creating & using objects groups
Creation of Objects Libraries
Creating Objects Libraries
Form Triggers
Types of Form Triggers
Applying Triggers on Different controls

Calling Alerts , Displaying Alerts
Re-Using Alerts
Changing Properties of Alerts at Runtime
Creating Editors
Types of Editors
Calling editors thru code
Using Images Items
Storing and Retrieving images in Database
Transferring images from files n images items

Creation of Content Canvas
Creation of Stacked Canvas
Creation of Tab Canvas
Creation of Horizontal Toolbar Canvas
Creation of Vertical Toolbar Canvas
Applying password to Application Windows
Changing window properties
Types of windows
Document, Dailog & Model, Modeless
Navigation between windows of a form
Creation oMenus
Usage of Menus in required forms
Creation popup menus
Program Units
Defining procedures, Functions & Packages in Forms
Using stored procedures functions & packages elements in Forms
Creating stored procedures and functions thru Forms
PL/SQL Libraries
Usage of PL/SQL libraries in different forms using Attached Libraries
Database Objects
Using database objects available at backend
Creation Database objects thru Forms
Working with objects Technology
Defining & Using Objects in Form
Record Groups
Creation of Record Groups based on Query
Creation of Record Group based on Static Values
Creation of LOVs using existing Record Groups
Creation of LOVs manually
Creation of LOVs along with Record Group
Creation of Runtime Record Groups
Error Handling
Trapping different types of errors in Forms
Advantages, features and role of reports in D2K
Fundamentals of Reports
Interfaces of Reports
Creation of Reports using Wizards
Tabular Report
Form-Like Reports
Mailing Label Reports
Form Letter
Group Left Report
Group above Report
Matrix Report
Matrix with Group
Creation of Reports Manually
Creation of Reports Manually
Creation of Reports using parameters
User Parameters
System Parameters
Manual Reports
Creation of Reports through data model SQL Query
Formula Columns
Summary Columns
Place Holder Columns
Data Links
Cross Product
Report Triggers
Before Parameter Form
After parameter Form
Before Report
Between Pages
After Report
Creation of Templates
Usage of Templates in Required Reports
Communication / Interlinking of Reports
Calling Reports from forms
Communication/Inter Linking of Forms & Reports
Creation of Parameters
Calling different Forms
Calling different forms with parameters
Calling different Reports with parameters
With Text & Data Parameters
Project Scenarios & conclusion

CoreJava (Fast Track) on 2nd Jan (Friday) 7:00PM at Kphb (Hyd) by Mr. Rathan


I. Introduction

1. Why Java
2. Paradigms
3. Diff b/w Java & Other (C,C++)
4. Java history
5. Java features
6. Java programming format
7. Java Tokens
8. Java Statements
9. Java Data Types
10. Typecasting
11. Arrays
1. Introduction
2. Class
3. Object
4. Static Keywords
5. Constructors
6. This Key Word
7. Inheritance
8. Super Key Word
9. Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
10. Abstraction
11. Encapsulation
12. Abstract Classes
13. Interfaces
1. String
2. String Buffer
3. String Tokenizer
1. Introduction to all predefined packages
2. User Defined Packages
3. Access Specifiers
1. Introduction
2. Pre Defined Exceptions
3. Try-Catch-Finally
4. Throws, throw
5. User Defined Exception examples
1. Thread Creations
2. Thread Life Cycle
3. Life Cycle Methods
4. Synchronization
5. Wait() notify() notify all() methods
1. Introduction
2. Byte-oriented streams
3. Character – oriented streams
4. File
5. Random-access file
6. Serialization
1. Introduction
2. Socket, Server socket
3. Client –Server Communication
1. Introduction
2. Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes.
1. Introduction
2. Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
3. List interface 7 its classes
4. Set interface & its classes
5. Map interface & its classes
1. Introduction
2. Member inner class
3. Static inner class
4. Local inner class
5. Anonymous inner class
1. Introduction
2. Components
3. Event-Delegation-Model
4. Listeners
5. Layouts
6. Individual components Lable, Button, CheckBox, Radio Button.
7. Choice, List, Menu, Text Field, Text Area

1. Introduction Diff b/w awt and swing
2. Components hierarchy
3. Panes
4. Individual Swings components Jlabel
5. JButton, JTextField, JTextAres.

Oracle on 2nd Jan (Friday) 7:00AM at Kphb (Hyd) by Mr. Vijay Kumar

Highlights of the Course:
Indepth syllabus coverage(ORACLE 11g,SQL, PL/SQL)

OCA(Oracle Certified Associate) oriented classes.

Special classes on Real Time Database Tools--TOAD,SQL * Loader

Interview FAQs discussion.

Work shops on Real Time scenorios.

Definition of Database
Definition of DBMS
Advantage of DBMS over FMS
DB Life Cycle
DB Design:

Data Models:
  • Hierarchical

  • Network

  • Relational

  • Object Relational

  • Object Oriented
Features of RDBMS
CODD rules
Client / server Architecture
Oracle versions
Oracle Installation
Oracle architecture
Introduction to SQL
SQL standards
SQL sublanguages
Difference between SQL and SQL*PLUS
Datatypes in Oracle
Operators in Oracle
Schemas and Schema Objects
About Table Creation
Inserting Data
Data Retrieval:
  • SELECT statement

  • Column alias, Table alias

  • Clauses in SQL

  • Data filtering using WHERE clause

  • Data Sorting using ORDER BY clause
DML Commands:
  • Copying Data from one table to another

  • INSERT command

  • UPDATE command

  • DELETE command

  • INSERT ALL command

  • MERGE command
DDL commands:
  • Creating Table from another Table

  • ALTER command

  • DROP command

  • TRUNCATE command

  • RENAME command

  • Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE
Integrity Constraints :
  • Types of Integrity Constraints

  • Declaring Constraints
    • Column level

    • Table level
  • Adding Constraints to an Existing table
  • Enabling & Disabling Constraints
  • Getting information about Constraints
Built-in Functions :
  • Single Row functions
    • String functions
    • Date functions
    • Mathematical functions
    • Conversion functions
    • Special functions
    • Analytical functions
  • Multi Row functions
Data Aggregation :
  • Group by clause

  • Having clause

  • Cube & Rollup
Difference between WHERE and HAVING clause Joins :
  • Importance of Join Operation

  • Types of Joins
    • Equi Join
    • Non-Equi Join
    • Self Join
    • Outer Join
      • Left Outer
      • Right Outer
      • Full Outer
  • Cross join
  • ANSI joins
SET operators :


Psuedo columns :
Subqueries :
  • Importance of Subqueries
  • Types of Subqueries
    • Single row subqueries
    • Multi row subqueries
    • Nested queries
    • Multi column subqueries
    • Co-related subqueries
  • In-line views
  • Scalar queries
Database Transactions :
  • commit command
  • rollback command
  • savepoing command
Database Security :
  • System privileges and Object privileges
  • Granting and revoking privileges
  • Creating users and roles
Schema objects :
  • Views
  • Synonyms
  • Indexes
  • Clusters
  • Materialized views
  • Sequences
  • Types
About Locks & Isolations Levels
About Table partitioning
Hierarchical queries

Introduction to PL/SQL
Advantages of PL/SQL
PL/SQL architecture
Datatypes in PL/SQL
PL/SQL program structure
Simple PL/SQL programs
Embedding SQL statements in PL/SQL
Conditional statements
Cursors :

  • About cursors in PL/SQL
  • Explicit cursors
  • For loop cursor
  • Cursor paramenters
  • For update clause
  • Where current of clause
  • Ref cursors
  • Implicit cursors
Exception Handling :
  • System defined exceptions
  • User defined exceptions
  • Sqlcode & sqlerrm
  • Pragma exception_init
Subprograms :
  • Introduction to subprograms
  • Difference between anonymous & named blocks
Stored procedures :-
  • Creatng procedures
  • Working with IN , OUT ,INOUT parameters
  • Procedures with cursors
  • Procedures returning records
  • Pragma autotnomous transaction
Functions :
  • Difference b/w procedures and functions
  • Inline functions
Packages :
  • Introduction to packages
  • Package specification and package body
  • Overloading package members
Triggers :
  • Introduction to triggers
  • DML triggers
  • DDL triggers
  • Db auditing using triggers
  • DB level triggers
Collections in PL/SQL
Built-in packages in PL/SQL
Oracle 10g features
Oracle 11g features
DBA concepts

Mr. Vijay Kumar
2nd Jan (Friday)
Kphb (Hyd)
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