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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Selenium on 22nd Sep (Monday) at 11:00AM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Manidhar

Introduction of Automation Testing
What is automation testing
Why Automation Testing is required?
Types of Automation Testing
Automation Tools
Advantages of Automation

Introduction to Selenium

What is Selenium
Use of selenium
When selenium can be useful in testing
Features of Selenium

Selenium Components

Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Grid

Introduction to Java

Installing java
What is eclipse?
Configuring Eclipse
Basic Selenium Program using Java

Java concepts:

Core Java Fundamentals
Java Programming Language Keywords
Class and Object
Data Types
Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization
Flow Control, Exceptions, and Assertions
Handling Exceptions
Working with the Assertion Mechanism
Object Orientation, Overloading and Overriding, Constructors
Benefits of Encapsulation
Overridden and Overloaded Methods
Using the java.lang.String Class
String Class methods
Using the equals() Method with
Strings, Wrappers and Objects
Defining, Instantiating, and Starting
POI API in java
Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files
Reading Properties File in Java
Reading/Writing Text Files
Collections: ArrayList, Set

Web Driver:

WebDriver Interface
WebElement Interface
Handling Input fields, Buttons and creating custom xpaths
Managing/Identifying Links with xpaths/css selectors
Extracting More than one object from a page
Extracting all links of a page/Bulk extraction of objects
Extracting Objects from a specific area of a web page
Finding whether object is present on page or not
Handling drop down list
Select Class in Selenium API
Managing radio buttons and Checkboxes
isDisplayed function
Taking Screenshots of the web pages
Implicit and Explicit waits
PageLoadTimeout Property
WebDriverWait Class
WebDriver.Timeout Interface
ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class
WaitUntil Condition
Fluent Wait
Managing Ajax based components
Concepts of Set Interface in Java
Window Handles
Closing windows
Default Popups
Handling certificate errors in secured websites
Dynamic WebTable Handling
Mouse movement with Selenium- Mouse Interface
Handling Ajax Autosuggests
Handling Frames in Web Page
Handling cookies
Managing Javascript alerts
Simulaing front and back button
Selenium Javadocs
Moving a mouse on a Object and right clicking on it
Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
Handling CSS menu with Action class
Handling CSS menu with JavaScriptExecutor
Drag, drop, native events

Advanced Selenium Concepts:
TestNG(Testing Framework)

what is TestNG
Why should we use TestNG Framework
Integrate TestNG with Selenium


What is log4j
Usage of Logger in Automation Testing
Integrate Log4j in Selenium

Selenium Grid

How to Configure selenium Grid
Run the Web Driver Tests using Selenium Grid


what is Maven?
what is the use of Maven in Automation Testing?
How to Configure Maven
Execute Selenium WebDriver test using Maven


what is Jenkins?
why should we use Jenkins in Automation Testing?
How to run the Test cases using Jenkins without any manual interaction for Nightly builds.

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