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Thursday, December 26, 2013

OOPs On 28, 29 Dec (Saturday,Sunday) 8:00AM-2:00PM by Mr. Srikanth @ Madhapur(Hyd)

Batch Date: Dec 28th,29th @ 8:00AM to 2:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Srikanth

Duration: 2 days workshop

Fee:  600 INR

Location : Madhapur, Hyderabad.
*Complete Material Will be Provided............
Venue :
Plot No : 58,
IInd Floor ,
Sai Nagar,
Madhapur, Hyderabad-500034.
Ph.No : 9505905786

  • Datahiding
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Tightly Encapsulated Class
  • Is- A Relationship
  • Has-A Relationship
  • Method Signature
  • Overloading
  • Overriding
  • Methodhiding 
  • Static - Control - Flow
  • Instance - Control -Flow
  • Constructors
  • Coupling
  • Cohesion
  •  Type - Casting
After Completion This WrokShop You Can Answer All The Below Questions:
1. What is Data hiding?

2. What is Abstraction?

3. What is Encapsulation?

4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Encapsulation?

5. What is tightly encapsulated class?

6. What is IS-A relationship?

7. Which keyword is used for IS-A relationship?

8. What are various advantages of IS-A relationship?

9. Explain about HAS-A relationship?

10. What is composition?

11. What is aggregation?

12. What is method signature?

13. What is overloading?

14. What are various rules satisfied by overloaded methods?

15. What is static polymorphism (or) compile-time polymorphism (or) early binding?

16. Differentiate IS-A and HAS-A relationships?

17. Is it possible to overload main() method?

18. In overloading whether jvm or compiler is responsible for method resolution?

19. What is overriding?

20. What is runtime polymorphism or dynamic polymorphism or late binding?

21. What are various rules satisfied by overriding methods?

22. Is it possible to override the following methods ? final methods , abstract methods       synchronized methods ,native methods ,strictfp methods , private methods .

23. What are co-variant return types?

24. While overriding is it compulsory to maintain same return type?

25. In overriding who is responsible for method resolution?

26. What is dynamic method dispatch?

27. If parent class method throws some checked exception while overriding is it
       compulsory should throw child class method the same checked exception?

28. Is it possible to overriding constructor?

29. Is it possible to overriding non-abstract method as abstract ?

30. Is it possible to override a var-arg method with a general method?

31. Is it possible to override static method?

32. What is method hiding?

33. Explain differences b/w overriding and method hiding?

34. Is it possible to override main() method?

35. Is it possible to override a variable?

36. Who is responsible for variable resolution?

37. What are key differences b/w overriding and overloading?

38. Explain various activities which are executed while loading the class?

39. When ever we are loading child class is it required to load parent class?

40. When ever we are loading parent class is it required to load child class?

41. What is purpose of static block and explain its requirement with examples?

42. Is it possible to take multiple static blocks in the same java class?

43. When the static blocks will be executed?

44. Whit out using main() method is it possible to print some statements to console?

45. Whit out using main() and static blocks is it possible to print some statements?

46. What is instance block when it will be executed?

47. Difference b/w instance block and static block?

48. When ever we are creating an object what are various steps will be executed

49. Difference b/w constructor and instance block?

50. What is coupling?

51. Is it recommended tight coupling or loose coupling?

52. What is cohesion?

53. Is it recommended high cohesion or low cohesion?

54. Explain about object type casting and what are various rules we have to follow while        performing type casting?

55. Is it possible to type cast parent object to the child type?

56. Is it possible to type cast child object to the parent type?

57. Explain the main important oops concepts?

58. What is the purpose of constructor?

59. Explain about default constructor and its prototype?

60. Is compiler generates default constructor always?

61. Is it possible to take return type for the constructor?

62. If we are taking return type to the constructor what will happen?

63. Explain about super() and this() ?

64. Is it possible to overload constructors?

65. Is inheritance concept applicable for constructor?

66. What are various modifiers applicable for constructors?

67. Where we can use private constructors?

68. What is singleton class and give an example?

69. Is it possible to create our own singleton class and explain the process?

70. What is factory method?

71. Explain about recursive constructor invocation?

72. If parent class constructor throws some checked exception is it compulsory to require
       to throw that exception by child class constructor?

73. Is the first line in constructor is always super?

74. Is it possible to write a constructor in abstract class?

75. We can’t create an object of abstract class what is the need of constructor in abstract

76. Is it possible to place constructor in an interface?

Check for more info.......

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