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Saturday, November 29, 2014

QTP (3 Weekends Workshop) on 20th, 21st Dec (Saturday,Sunday) 9:00AM-1:00PM at Madhapur (Hyd) by Mr. Pavan Kumar

I. Introduction to Automation
 What is testing ?
 Need of Automation Testing
 Manual Testing Vs Automation Testing
 Various Automation Test Tools
 Tool selection criteria
 Life Cycle of Automation Introduction to QTP
 Overview of Quick Test Pro
 Starting Quick Test
 Features of QTP
 Addin’s of QTP
 Key Elements of QTP Window
 Testing Process of QTP
 Architecture of QTP
Different ways of Developing Automation Tests
 Recording a test
 Standard Recording
 Analog Recording
 Low Level Recording
 Insight Recording
 Writing Script
Working with Test Objects and Object Repositories
 Test Object Model
 Object Identification Mechanism
 Configuring Object Identification
 Object Spy
 Object Repository
 Types of Object Repositories
 Merging Shared Object Repositories
 Comparing shared objects Repositories
 Associating shared objects Repositories to a Test
 Working with Test objects methods & Properties
VB Script Language Overview
 VB Script Data Types
 VB Script Variables
 VB Script Constants
 Conditional Statements
 Loops
 Select case
 Arrays
 Functions
 Checkpoint Introduction
 Adding Checkpoints to a Test
 Types of Checkpoints
 Standard Checkpoint
 Image Checkpoint
 Bitmap Checkpoint
 Table Checkpoint
 Text Checkpoint
 Text Area Checkpoint
 Accessibility Checkpoint
 Page Checkpoint
 Database Checkpoint
 XML Checkpoint
 File Checkpoint
 Validating the Above Checks through Code
 Need of Synchronization
 Different ways of Synchronizing the Tests
 Configuring Default Synchronization Time Out
 Exist Statement
 Wait Statement
 Synchronizing Point
Ways of Script Generation
 Recording
 Manually through script editor
 Step Generator
Environment Variables
 Need of Environmental Variables
 Types of Environment Variables
 Classification of user defined
Environment Variables
 Working with user defined Environment Variables
Parameters–Data Manipulation
 Data Table
 Random Number
 Environment Parameter
Working with Actions
 Introduction to Actions
 Advantages of using Actions
 Creating new Actions
 Insert Actions
 Inserting Copy of Actions
 Inserting Existing Actions
 Action Parameters
 Test Modularity Implementation
 Difference between Reusable Actions and Functions
Functions and Sub Procedures
 Overview of Functions
 Advantages of Using Functions
 Classification of Functions
 Creating user defined Functions
 Creating Function Libraries
 Associating Function Libraries
 Creating Sub Procedures
Advanced VB Scripting
 Working with Internet Explorer Application
 Working with File system Objects
 Working with Excel Application
 Working with Word Application Object
 Working with Data Base Connection
 Working with Dictionary Object
 Working with Outlook Application
 WSH Scripting Basics
 Working with Shell
Output Values
 Output Values Introduction
 Different Output Values
 Defining Output Values
 Storing Output Values
 Using Output Values in Script
 Purpose
 Inserting Transactions
 Analyzing Transaction Results
Developing Data Driven Tests
 Introduction to Parameterize Tests
 Parameterize a Test Manually
 Ways of Parameterization
 Types of Data Tables
 Working with Data Tables
 Parameterize a Test using Data table
 Parameterization through Excel File
 Parameterize a Test using Environment Variables
 Data Driven Wizard
Regular Expressions
 Introduction to Regular Expressions
 Defining Regular Expressions
 Working with RegExp Object
Smart Identification
 Use of Smart Identification
 Base Filter Properties
 Optional Filter Properties
 Need of Debugging
 Break Points
 Step Into
 Step Over
 Step Out
 Debug Viewer
 Watch
 Variable
 Command
Recovery Scenarios
 Introduction to Recovery Scenarios
 When to use Recovery Scenarios
 Defining Recovery Scenarios
 Recovery Scenario Manager
 Managing Recovery Scenarios
 Associating Recovery Scenarios to your Test
Descriptive Programming
 Introduction to Descriptive Programming
 When to use Descriptive Programming
 Descriptive Programming Approach
 Handling Similar Objects
 Developing Generic Scripts
 Ways to use Descriptive Programming
Virtual Objects
 Define Virtual Objects
 Manage Virtual Objects
Working with AOM Scripts
 Launching QTP
 Setting Tool Options
 Setting Test Options
 Opening a Test
 Running a Test
 Store Results in Required Location
 Closing a Test
 Closing QTP
Automation Frameworks
 Introduction
 Planning and Design Frame Work
 Implementation of Modularity Framework
 Library Architecture Framework
 Keyword - Driven Framework
 Data - Driven Framework
 Hybrid Framework
Working with Quality Center

Java WebServices (Full Coverage Of Restful Webservices) on 18th Dec (Thursday) 5:30PM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr. Sriman

Topics Detailed
1 Introduction to Web Services Web Service Architecture

Web Services VS other Technologies

Web Services Benefits
2 XML Theory

• Introduction to XML


• What is XML Parsing?

• Various other XML Binding API’s


• JAX-P API based XML parsing using (SAX, DOM)

• Validating XML Documents using JAX-vP

• XML Binding using JAX-B (Marshalling, Un-Marshalling and In-Memory Validation)
3 JAX – RPC Theory

• What is JAX-RPC API

• Different Implementations of JAX-RPC API

• Typical request processing in JAX-RPC


• Building Web Service using JAX –RPC SUN RI Implementation (Contract Last approach)

• Building Web Service clients using JAX – RPC API (Stub based client, DP and DII based clients)

• Building Web Service using JAX-RPC API Apache Axis implementation (Contract First approach)
4 WSDL Theory

• Purpose of WSDL

• Types of WSDL

• Message Exchange Patterns

• Message Exchange Formats

• Various elements of a WSDL document


• Writing a WSDL document
5 SOAP Theory

• Purpose of SOAP

• Various elements of SOAP and its significance
6 JAX – WS Theory

• What is JAX-WS API



• Building Web Service using JAX – WS SUN RI implementation (Contract Last approach)

• Building Web Service using JAX – WS Apache Axis 2 implementation (Contract First approach)

• Building Asynchronous Web Service using JAX – WS dynamic API
7 JAX – RS
(Restful Service)

• What is JAX – RS?

• Need for JAX – RS

• Web Services VS Web Resource


• Building Web Resource using JAX – RS SUN Jersey implementation

• Building a Web Resource client using Apache Commons HTTP Client API
8 WS - *
(Advanced Concepts
in Web Services)

• What is WS - * stack

• What is ws – address, ws – security, ws – atomic transactions

• Synchronous VS Asynchronous service


• Building Asynchronous Web Service using JAX –WS Metro Implementation using WS – Addressing (Real Asynchronous)
9 Q & A   The way Forward to SOA world

JQuery with Ajax And Json on 18th Dec (Thursday) 1:30PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Raghuveer

What is JQuery

Downloading and Installing JQuery

Creating a Simple page in JQuery
Overview of JQuery Features
Selectors and Filters
Manipulating page content
Creating, Setting and Getting Content
Wrapping, Replacing, Removing Content
JQuery with CSS
Realtime Examples
Working with Events
  • Overview of Events
  • Events Functions
-Helper Functions
-Miscellaneous Functions
Animations and Effects
JQuery UI Library
  • Interactions
  • Widgets
  • Effects
  • Effect, Show, Hide, Toggle,Color animation, Add class, Remove class, Toggle class, Switch class
JQuery Themeroller
Menus & Navigation bar Image Banners and Carousel
Data table Grid

Android on 16th Dec (Tuesday) 8:00AM-9:30AM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Mahesh

Android Course Content:

Android Overview and History

How it all got started
Why Android is different

Android Stack

Overview of the stack
Linux kernel
Native libraries
App framework

SDK Overview

Tools & Versions

Hello World App

Creating your first project
The manifest file
Layout resource
Running your app on Emulator

Main Building Blocks

Activity lifecycle
Content Providers
Broadcast Receivers

Basic Android User Interface

XML versus Java UI
Pixels, dp and sp
Views and layouts
Common UI components
Handling user events

Android System Overview

File System

Advanced UI

List View
Autocomplete Text View
Selection components
Complex UI components
Building UI for performance
Menus and Dialogs
Graphics & animations
Web View
Custom Adapters
Multimedia in Android

Media Player
Video View
Audio Recording
Video Recording
Android Telephony

Email using JavaMailAPI
SQL Database
Introducing SQLite
SQLite Open Helper and creating a
Opening and closing a database
Working with cursors Inserts,
updates, and deletes
Android Service

Overview of services in Android
Implementing a Service
Service lifecycle
Bound versus unbound services

WiFi Service

Monitoring and managing Internet
Managing active connections
Managing WiFi


How Sensors work
Listening to Sensor readings


Controlling local Bluetooth device
Discovering and bonding with

Bluetooth devices

Managing Bluetooth connections
Communicating with Bluetooth


How to get the Vibrator Service
How to Vibrate the device


About Notifications
How to get Notification Service
Pending Intent
Broadcast Receivers
What are Broadcast Receivers
Implementing broadcast receiver
System broadcasts and how to use them

Basic Content Providers

Content provider MIME types
Searching for content
Adding, changing, and removing content
Working with content files
Google Maps

Introduction to LocationBased Services in Android
Introduction to Google Maps

Changing the GoogleView
Android emulator and Google Maps

Install Google Play services
Getting the Google Map key


Creating the SHA-1 for your signature key
Register with the Google APIs Console
Create key for your application

Google Maps Example
Create Project
Adjust layout file
Activity , Run and Test
Placing multiple position
How to track the location
How to find the distance between 2 points

Google Places

Get Google Places API Access
List of search options to get data (like airports, cafes …)
Build a Places Search Query to select particular positions
Create an AsyncTask to Fetch Place JSON Data in the Background
How to place the places data on GoogleMaps


Introduction to XML
Advantages of XML
Rules to write an XML
XML Parsers


Introduction to JSON
Advantages of JSON over XML
Syntax & Structure of JSON
Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications
different types JSON Parsers [ simple json ,
Jackson , GSON ] to parse the JSON
Web Services

Introduction to Web Service
Advantages of Web Services
Architecture of Web Service
Types of Web Services
Web Service Components
SOAP Based Web Service
How to Call SOAP Web Service
Detailed Explanation about WSDL , SOAP & UDDI
Why SOAP is not preferred for mobile Applications ?
What are the disadvantages with SOAP
Working with REST
Graphics Programing
Java Threads
Android Graphics Components
Surface View
Surface Holder
Paint class
How to Different Shapes on Surface
How to draw different resources ( images , videos , text ….) on surface
How to display animations
Sample Animations
Sample Game using Graphic components
What are the problems with built in graphics components.
introduction to different 3rd party libraries for displaying graphics , animations and game development.


Introduction to COCOS-2D
How to setup the Environment for COCOS-2D
COCOS-2D Components
Cocos-2D Actions
( CCMoveTo , CCRotateTo, CCJumpTo, CCScale ,
CCOrbit , CCBlink , CCFadeIn/Out …..)
CCSequence & CCRepeat actions.


Android automated testing
Android test strategy
How to test Android applications
What to test on Android applications
Testing preconditions
User interface tests

Which tests require an Android system to run?
Testing standard Java classes
Testing Java classes which use the Android

Android test projects and running tests
Android test projects
Creating a test project & Running tests
Google Cloud Messaging [ GCM ]
Introduction to Google Cloud Messaging
How to integrate GCM service into the SDK
Hot to get the GCM API Key
GCM Architecture
GCM components.
How to develop GCM server application in java
How to develop the GCM Client application
GCM Client dependencies.
Volley Library

Introduction Volley Library
Volley Library Advantages
Volley Library Components
How to setup the Environment
Creating Volley singleton class
Different Types of Requests
Adding request headers
Handling Volley Cache

Introduction Apache Cordova Phone Gap
Advantages of Phone Gap
Phone Gap Components
How to setup Phone Gap Environment
Sample projects on Phone Gap

Hibernate on 15th Dec (Monday) 6:00PM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. L.N.Rao

Pre-requisite: JDBC
Need of Hibernate
• ORM (Object Relational Mapping).
• Hibernate Architecture.
• Mapping and Configuration files in Hibernate.
• Installation, Simple Hibernate Application Requirements.
• Introduction to IDE.
• Simple CRUD operations.
• State of Objects in Hibernate.
*. Working with Jdbc con pools
• Hibernate Annotations.
• Important methods of Session Interface.
• <generator> tag
• HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
• Criteria API (QBC)
• Native SQL Query.
• Named Queries.
• Componet Mapping
• Filters in Hibernate
• Inheritance mapping
  • Table per class
  • Table per sub class
  • Table per concrete class
• Relationships in Hibernate.
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
•Collection mapping
• Hibernate Caching Mechanism
  • First level cache
  • Second level cache
•Transaction Management
•Isolation Levels
•Locking in Hibernate
• Integration of Hibernate with Servlets and Struts.
• Misc Discussions
IDES : NetBeans,Eclipse ,MyEclipse
Databases: Oracle,mysql

C-Language on 15th Dec (Monday) 11:00AM at Maitrivanam (Hyd) by Mr. Kiran

Introduction to Software and Classification
• System Software
• Types of Operating System
• Types of Programming Languages
• Translators
• Desirable Program Characteristics
• Programming Techniques
Introduction to C
• History of C Language
• Characteristics of C language
• Flavors of C Language
• The C character set
• Identifiers and Keywords
• Data types
• Constants
• Variables and Arrays
• Declarations
• Expressions
• Statements
• Symbolic Constants
• Arithmetic Operators
• Unary Operators
• Relational and Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• The Conditional Operator
• Bitwise Operators
Standard Input and Output Functions
• Preliminaries
• Library Functions
• Single Character Input – The getchar Function
• Single Character Output – The Putchar Function
• Entering input Data – The scanf Function
• More about the scanf Function
• Writing Output Data – The Printf Function
• More About the printf Function
• The gets and Puts Function
• Interactive (Conversational) Programming
Preparing and Running a Complete C Program
• Planning a C Program
• Writing a C Program
• Entering the Program into the Computer
• Compiling and Executing the Program
• Error Diagnostics
• Debugging Techniques
Control Structures
• Branching : The Decision Control Structure
• The if –else statement
• Nesting of if …Else statement
• Switch statement
Control Statements
• Unconditional Uncontrolled Statements
• Conditional Controlled Statements
• Conditional Uncontrolled Statements
Low Level Programming
• Number Systems
• Bitwise Operators
• Bit Fields
• Applications of Binary Systems
• Introducing Functions
• Defining a Function
• Accessing a Function
• Function Prototype
• Passing Arguments to a Function
• Recursion
• Nested Functions
• User Defined Header Files
• Function Calls
Memory Organization
• Understanding Memory Concepts
• Storage Classes
• Automatic Variables
• External (Global) Variables
• Static Variables
• MultiFile Programs
• Register variables
• Fundamentals
• Introduction to Memory
• Pointer Declarations
• Operations on Pointers
• Void Pointers
• Passing Pointer to Functions
• Function returning pointers
• More about Pointer
• Passing Pointer Parameters to Functions
• Call by References
• Introduction
• Array Declaration
• Array initialization
• Single Dimension Arrays
• Pointer and Arrays (Single Dimension)
• Array of Pointers
• Initialization a 2-Dimensional Arrays
• Three Dimensional Arrays
• Working with Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays
• Introduction to Strings
• Standard String Library Functions
• Arrays and Strings
• Pointer and Strings
• Function and Strings
• Dynamic Memory Allocation
Introduction To Macros
• Macro Substitution
• Macros with arguments
• File Inclusion
• Macro Testing
• ANSI Additions
Structures and Unions
• Declaring a Structure
• Processing a Structure
• Typedef
• Array of Structures
• Structures and Pointers
• Passing Structures to Functions
• Self Referential Structures
• Unions and Structures Differences
• Uses of Structures
• Enumerations

Data Files
• File Formatted I/O Functions
• Opening and Closing File
• Creating a Data File
• Processing a Data File
• Unformatted Data File
• Random Access Files
• Command Line Parameters
• Discussion on a Mini Project
• Function to Support GUI
• Implementation of Graphics

• Solving technical interview questions from different companies on each topic in the classroom.
• Project implementation

Hibernate (2 Days Workshop) on 13th,14th Dec (Saturday,Sunday) 9:00AM at Marthahalli (Bangalore) by Mr. Sriman


Pre-requisite: JDBC
Need of Hibernate
• ORM (Object Relational Mapping).
• Hibernate Architecture.
• Mapping and Configuration files in Hibernate.
• Installation, Simple Hibernate Application Requirements.
• Introduction to IDE.
• Simple CRUD operations.
• State of Objects in Hibernate.
*. Working with Jdbc con pools
• Hibernate Annotations.
• Important methods of Session Interface.
• <generator> tag
• HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
• Criteria API (QBC)
• Native SQL Query.
• Named Queries.
• Componet Mapping
• Filters in Hibernate
• Inheritance mapping
  • Table per class
  • Table per sub class
  • Table per concrete class
• Relationships in Hibernate.
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
•Collection mapping
• Hibernate Caching Mechanism
  • First level cache
  • Second level cache
•Transaction Management
•Isolation Levels
•Locking in Hibernate
• Integration of Hibernate with Servlets and Struts.
• Misc Discussions
IDES : NetBeans,Eclipse ,MyEclipse
Databases: Oracle,mysql

C-Language on 11th Dec (Thursday) 7:30PM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Ramana

C-Language on 11th Dec (Thursday) 7:30PM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Ramana

What is JQuery

Downloading and Installing JQuery

Creating a Simple page in JQuery
Overview of JQuery Features
Selectors and Filters
Manipulating page content
Creating, Setting and Getting Content
Wrapping, Replacing, Removing Content
JQuery with CSS
Realtime Examples
Working with Events
  • Overview of Events
  • Events Functions
-Helper Functions
-Miscellaneous Functions
Animations and Effects
JQuery UI Library
  • Interactions
  • Widgets
  • Effects
  • Effect, Show, Hide, Toggle,Color animation, Add class, Remove class, Toggle class, Switch class
JQuery Themeroller
Menus & Navigation bar Image Banners and Carousel
Data table Grid

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