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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ANDROID (2 Weekend workshop) on 11th, 12th Oct 10:00AM at Marthahalli (Bangalore) by Mr. Mahesh

Android Course Content:

Android Overview and History

How it all got started
Why Android is different

Android Stack

Overview of the stack
Linux kernel
Native libraries
App framework

SDK Overview

Tools & Versions

Hello World App

Creating your first project
The manifest file
Layout resource
Running your app on Emulator

Main Building Blocks

Activity lifecycle
Content Providers
Broadcast Receivers

Basic Android User Interface

XML versus Java UI
Pixels, dp and sp
Views and layouts
Common UI components
Handling user events

Android System Overview

File System

Advanced UI

List View
Autocomplete Text View
Selection components
Complex UI components
Building UI for performance
Menus and Dialogs
Graphics & animations
Web View
Custom Adapters
Multimedia in Android

Media Player
Video View
Audio Recording
Video Recording
Android Telephony

Email using JavaMailAPI
SQL Database
Introducing SQLite
SQLite Open Helper and creating a
Opening and closing a database
Working with cursors Inserts,
updates, and deletes
Android Service

Overview of services in Android
Implementing a Service
Service lifecycle
Bound versus unbound services

WiFi Service

Monitoring and managing Internet
Managing active connections
Managing WiFi


How Sensors work
Listening to Sensor readings


Controlling local Bluetooth device
Discovering and bonding with

Bluetooth devices

Managing Bluetooth connections
Communicating with Bluetooth


How to get the Vibrator Service
How to Vibrate the device


About Notifications
How to get Notification Service
Pending Intent
Broadcast Receivers
What are Broadcast Receivers
Implementing broadcast receiver
System broadcasts and how to use them

Basic Content Providers

Content provider MIME types
Searching for content
Adding, changing, and removing content
Working with content files
Google Maps

Introduction to LocationBased Services in Android
Introduction to Google Maps

Changing the GoogleView
Android emulator and Google Maps

Install Google Play services
Getting the Google Map key


Creating the SHA-1 for your signature key
Register with the Google APIs Console
Create key for your application

Google Maps Example
Create Project
Adjust layout file
Activity , Run and Test
Placing multiple position
How to track the location
How to find the distance between 2 points

Google Places

Get Google Places API Access
List of search options to get data (like airports, cafes …)
Build a Places Search Query to select particular positions
Create an AsyncTask to Fetch Place JSON Data in the Background
How to place the places data on GoogleMaps


Introduction to XML
Advantages of XML
Rules to write an XML
XML Parsers


Introduction to JSON
Advantages of JSON over XML
Syntax & Structure of JSON
Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications
different types JSON Parsers [ simple json ,
Jackson , GSON ] to parse the JSON
Web Services

Introduction to Web Service
Advantages of Web Services
Architecture of Web Service
Types of Web Services
Web Service Components
SOAP Based Web Service
How to Call SOAP Web Service
Detailed Explanation about WSDL , SOAP & UDDI
Why SOAP is not preferred for mobile Applications ?
What are the disadvantages with SOAP
Working with REST
Graphics Programing
Java Threads
Android Graphics Components
Surface View
Surface Holder
Paint class
How to Different Shapes on Surface
How to draw different resources ( images , videos , text ….) on surface
How to display animations
Sample Animations
Sample Game using Graphic components
What are the problems with built in graphics components.
introduction to different 3rd party libraries for displaying graphics , animations and game development.


Introduction to COCOS-2D
How to setup the Environment for COCOS-2D
COCOS-2D Components
Cocos-2D Actions
( CCMoveTo , CCRotateTo, CCJumpTo, CCScale ,
CCOrbit , CCBlink , CCFadeIn/Out …..)
CCSequence & CCRepeat actions.


Android automated testing
Android test strategy
How to test Android applications
What to test on Android applications
Testing preconditions
User interface tests

Which tests require an Android system to run?
Testing standard Java classes
Testing Java classes which use the Android

Android test projects and running tests
Android test projects
Creating a test project & Running tests
Google Cloud Messaging [ GCM ]
Introduction to Google Cloud Messaging
How to integrate GCM service into the SDK
Hot to get the GCM API Key
GCM Architecture
GCM components.
How to develop GCM server application in java
How to develop the GCM Client application
GCM Client dependencies.
Volley Library

Introduction Volley Library
Volley Library Advantages
Volley Library Components
How to setup the Environment
Creating Volley singleton class
Different Types of Requests
Adding request headers
Handling Volley Cache

Introduction Apache Cordova Phone Gap
Advantages of Phone Gap
Phone Gap Components
How to setup Phone Gap Environment
Sample projects on Phone Gap

C Language on 9th Oct (Thursday) 7:00AM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr. Karthik


1. Declarations and Initializations

2. Control Instructions

a) if
b) if-else
c) Dangling else
d) if – else dummies
e) switch
f) while
g) for
h) do-while
i) loop dummies
j) break
k) continue
l) goto
3. Expressions
4. Data Types
5. Floating Point Issues
6. Functions
a) User defined functions
b) Pre defined functions
c) storage class specifiers
i) auto
ii) static
iii) extern
iv) regiester
v) typedef
d) Recursion

7. C Preprocessor
a) macros
b) conditional compilation
c) file inclusion
d) #pragma

8. Pointers
a) Introduction to pointers
b) Jargon of pointers
c) Double and triple pointers
d) dangling pointer
c) null pointer
d) void pointer
f) function pointers

9. Arrays
a) Introduction of arrays
b) 1D array
c) 2D Array
d) 3D and Multi Dimension Arrays
e) Array of pointers
f) Pointer to an array
e) Functions using array & pointers

10. Strings
a) Introduction to strings
b) 1D string
c) 2D string
d) Character array Vs String
e) Character pointer Vs String
f) Predefined String functions.

11. structures, unions, enums

a) Introduction to structures
b) Nested structures/ Containers
c) Self Referential structures
d) unions
e) enums
f) bit fields

12. File Input / Output

a) text files
b) audio files
c) video files

13. Command Line Arguments
14. Bitwise Operators
15. typedef
16. const
17. Dynamic memory Allocation
a) malloc
b) calloc
c) realloc
e) free


1. Printed Material
2. Online exams on each and every topic ( )
3. Class room notes
4. 5000+ programs are covered in class room discussion.
5. Tips to crack written test & interviews.

Exit Profile:
1. Student can crack any written test & interviews

2. Student can develop C code for the given requirement.

Hadoop on 9th Oct (Thursday) 7:30AM-8:30AM at Madhapur (Hyd) by Mr. Ramakrishna

• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept

AdvJava (Fast Track) on 8th Oct (Wednesday) 9:00AM at S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr.Srikanth


1. Introduction

2. Web application Architecture

3. Http Protocol & Http Methods

4. Web Server & Web Container

5. Servlet Interface

6. GenericServlet

7. HttpServlet

8. Servlet Life Cycle

9. ServletConfig

10. ServletContext

11. Servlet Chaining




12. Session Tracking Mechanisms

   i) HttpSession

   ii) Cookies

   iii) URL-Rewriting

   iv) Hidden-Form Fields




1. Introduction

2. Jsp LifeCycle

3. Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes

4. Jsp Directives

   i) page

   ii) include

   iii) taglib

5. Jsp Scripting Elements

   i) declaratives

   ii) scriptlets

   iii) expressions

   iv) Jsp Actions

     a.Standard Actions

     b.Custom Actions


1. Eclipse


1. Tomcat



1. Oracle

2. MySQL

CoreJava on 7th Oct (Tuesday) 4:00PM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr.Nagoor Babu

1. Understanding Class.forName(-)
2. Need of JDBC
3. Types of Jdbc drivers
4. 3 Statement objs (Simple Statement,
5. Resulset objs
6. Batch Processing/Updation
7. Transaction management
8. Working with diff DB s/ws
9. Working with Dates, BLOB and CLOB vlaues
10. JDBC 3.0 & 4.0 Features
11. Working with Type3 and Type5 jdbc drivers
12. Misc Discussions
1. Introduction
2. Web application Architecture
3. Web Server & Containers
4. Http Protocol
5. Web application developement
6. Understanding Servlet api
7. Html-Servlet Communication
8. Servlet Life Cycle
9. Deployment of webappliation in different severs
10. Servlet to DB s/w communcation (with jdbc connection pooling)
11. Servlet to Servlet Communcation(Servlet Chaining)
12. SessionTracking
13. Servlet Filters & wrappers
14. Servlet Listeners
15. File Uploading and Downloading
16. Annotations based servlet programming
17. Web-Security
18. Misc Discussions
1. Introduction
2. Jsp LifeCycle
3. Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes
4. Jsp Scripting tags
5. Jsp Directives tags             
6. Jsp Actions
               a.Standard Actions
               b.Custom Actions
8. understading model1,mvc1,mvc2 architectures
9.Mini Projects
10.Misc Discussions

1. MyEclipse
1. Tomcat
2. Weblogic
4.web shepre
1. Oracle

Hibernate (Fastrack) on 6th Oct (Monday) at 5:00PM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr.Naveen

  • Key Features of Hibernate

    • Enterprise Application Architecture.

    • ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

    • Hibernate Architecture.

    • Mapping and Configuration files in Hibernate.

    Installation, Simple Hibernate Application Requirements.

    • Introduction to IDE.
    • Hello World program in Hibernate
    • Hello World program in Hibernate using eclipse
• Simple CRUD operations.

• Important methods of Session Interface.

• <generator> element.

• State of Objects in Hibernate.

• Inheritance mapping
    • Table per class
    • Table per sub class
    • Table per concrete class
• HQL (Hibernate Query Language).

• Criteria Query.

• Native SQL Query.

• Named Query.

• Relationships in Hibernate.
    • One to One
    • One to Many
    • Many to One
    • Many to Many
• Hibernate Caching Mechanism
    • First level cache
    • Second level cache
• Hibernate Annotations.

• Integration of Hibernate with Servlets and Struts.

Collections (10 Days Workshop) on 6th Oct (Monday) at 11:00AM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr.Srikanth


After Completion This WrokShop You Can Answer All The Below Questions:
1. What are limitation of object Arrays?

2. What are differences between arrays and collections?

3. What are differences between arrays and ArrayList?

4. What are differences between arrays and Vector?

5. What is Collection API?

6. What is Collection framework?

7. What is difference between Collections and Collection?

8. Explain about Collection interface?

9. Explain about List interface?

10. Explain about Set interface?

11. Explain about SortedSet interface?

12. Explain about NavigableSet?

13. Explain about Queue interface?

14. Explain about Map interface?

15. Explain about SortedMap?

16. Explain about NavigableMap?

17. Explain about ArrayList class?

18. What is RandomAccess Interface?

19. Explain about LinkedList class?

20. Explain about Vector class?

21. What is difference between ArrayList and Vector?

22. How we can get synchronized version of ArrayList?

23. What is difference between size and capacity of a Collection Object?

24. What is difference between ArrayList and Linked List?

25. What are legacy classes and interfaces present in Collections framework?

26. What is difference Enumeration and Iterator?

27. What are limitations of Enumeration?

28. What is difference between enum and Enumeration?

29. What is difference between Iterator and ListIterator?

30. What is relation between ListIterator and Iterator?

31. Explain about HashSet class?

32. If we are trying to insert duplicate values in Set what will happen?

33. What is LinkedHashSet?

34. What is difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet?

35. What are major enhancements in 1.4 version of collection frame work?

36. Explain about TreeSet?

37. What are differences between List and Set interfaces?

38. What is Comparable interface?

39. What is Comparator interface?

40. What are differences between Comparable and Comparator?

41. What is difference between HashSet and TreeSet?

42. What is Entry interface?

43. Explain about HashMap?

44. Explain about LinkedHashMap?

45. What are the differences between HashMap and LinkedHashMap?

46. What are the differences between HashMap and Hashtable?

47. What is IdentityHashMap?

48. What is difference between HashMap and IdentityHashMap?

49. What is WeakHashMap?

50. What is difference between HashMap and WeakHashMap?

51. What is TreeMap?

52. What is Hashtable?

53. What is PriorityQueue?

54. What is Arrays class?

55. We are planning to do an indexed search in a list of objects. Which of the two Java collections should you use: ArrayList or LinkedList?

56. Why ArrayList is faster than Vector?

57.How we can sort the elements of list?

58.How we can reverse the order of elements of a list?

59. Explain about Collections class?

60.What is the b/w reverse () and reverseOrder () present in Collections class?

61. xplain about Arrays class?

62.How we can implement sorting for arrays?

63. Is it possible to convert collection object to Array?

64. Is it possible to convert array into ArrayList form?

65.Explain about binarySearch() method available in Collections and Arrays classes?

66.What is the difference b/w index and insertion point?

67.What is load-factor?

Struts (Fastrack) on 6th Oct (Monday) at 11:00AM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr.Naveen

MVC architectures
   MVC(view-Controller- model)
   MVC models
              1.  jsp Model1(html/jsp-jsp-model(dao))
               2. jsp Model2(html/jsp-Servlet-model(dao))
              3.  jsp Model3(html/jsp-Filter-model(dao))
              4.  jsp Model2(html/jsp-jspCustomtags-model(dao))
   MVC2(view-Controller- business-model(dao))
Design Patterns involved in struts
   Composite View
   Front Controller
   Application Controller
   View Helper
   Command Pattern
Framework: semi developed applications
2. About Struts
   validation support
   Action Support (for different kinds of events forword, include, download, switch, event,    lookup, mapping)
Tiles Framework feature
3. Struts Architecture
struts1.3 directory structure
web.xml configurations
struts-config.xml configurations
struts-html tags
struts-bean tags
struts-tiles tags
ActionServlet class
RequestProcessor class
ModuleConfig interface
4. ActionForm classes:validate(),reset() methods
a. ActionForm
b. DynaActionForm
c. DynaValidatorForm
d. DynaValidatorActionForm
e. ValidatorForm
5. Action-support classes:
a) Action class
b) DispatchAction(EventDispatchAction, LookupDispatchAction, MappingDispatchAction)
c) DownloadAction,
d) ForwardAction, IncludeAction,
e) LocaleAction,
f) SwitchAction,
g) TilesAction,
1.struts simple form processing
2.example using struts html fileds,bean fields
3.Internationalization example
4.Global exceptions example
6.Validator Form
7.Action class,Forword,Include Actions
8.Dispatch action event,lookup,Mapping Dispatch action example
9.switch action,Download action

Evolution of Struts 2:
1. Core components
a) interceptors
b) valueStack
c) ActionContext
d) ActionInvocation
2.struts 2 architecture
3. struts2 tag library
4.struts 2 validation
5.struts 2 actions
6.struts 2 I18N

SCJP/OCJP on 6th Oct (Monday) at 5:30PM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr.Durga&Srikanth

  • Language Fundamentals  
  • Declarations and Access Control
  • Interfaces
  •  Operators  
  •  Flow Control  
  •  Exception Handling  
  •  Assertions  
  •  Garbage Collections  
  •  OOPs  
  •  Multi-Threading  
  •  java.lang Package: String,StringBuffer,StringBuilder,Wrapper Classes,Object,Autoboxing
  • package
  • Serialization  
  •  Collections  Framework
  •  Generics  
  •  Inner Classes  
  •  Internationalization  
  •  Development  
  •  Regular Expressions  
  •  enum

MVC(F/T) on 1st - 5th Oct (Wednesday) at 11:00AM S.R Nagar (Hyd) by Mr.Anil

An Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
What are the differences between ASP.Net Web Forms and ASP.Net MVC?
History of ASP.Net MVC
Creating An ASP.Net MVC Application
The Architecture of an ASP.NET MVC Internet Application
ASP.NET MVC Folder Conventions
What is a Controller and What is Use Of it?
Overview of Routing Engine
Creating Controllers
Return Types of Action Methods and Their Purpose
What is a View and What is Use of It?
View Engines. ASPX Engine and Razor View Engine
Razor View Engine Syntax
Partial Views
What is Partial View? What is Use Of It?
Creating Partial Views
Using Partial Views
What is a Model and What is the use of a Model?
Types Of Models
Creating Data Model
Html Helpers
What is Html Helper and What is the use of it?
Crating Html Helpers
Strongly Typed Html Helpers
Templated Html Helpers
Creating Custom Html Helpers
Creating Submit Button Html Helper
Using TagBuilder Class
Using HtmlTextWriter Class
Data Annotations and Validations
What is Data Annotation and what is the use of it?
Data Annotation Attributes in ASP.Net MVC
Annotation Attributes from System.Web.Mvc Namespace
Custom Error Messages and Localization
Display and Edit Annotations
CRUD Operations On Database Using ASP.Net MVC
What are CRUD Operations
How To Implement CRUD Operations With ASP.Net MVC
What is a Filter and What is The Use Of A Filter?
Applying Filters To Controllers and Actions
Authorization Filter
Exception Filter
Using Action Filters
Using Result Filters
Using Global Filters
URL Routing
What is URL Routing and What are Advantages of It?
Creating and Registering a Route
Defining Default Values
Using Static URL Segments
Route Ordering
Defining Optional URL Segments
Defining Variable Length Routes
Master Pages and Layout Pages
What is a Master Page and What is a layout page?
Purpose of Master Page or Layout Page
Creating Layout Pages
Using Layout Pages
Caching In ASP.Net MVC
What is Caching? What is Use Of Caching?
Using OutputCache Attribute
Varying Output By Parameter
Using Cache Profiles
Using The Cache API
Authentication In ASP.Net MVC
Creating Users and Roles
Using the Web Site Administration Tool
Using the Account Controller
Authorizing Users
Using the Authorize Attribute
Using the User Property
Configuring Membership
Configuring the Membership Database
Configuring Membership Settings
Using the Membership and Role Manager API
Using Windows Authentication
Configuring Windows Authentication
Authenticating Windows Users and Groups
Working With Ajax In JQuery
Unobtrusive Ajax
Enabling Project For Unobtrusive Ajax
Using Jquery In ASP.Net MVC Application
Using Jquery UI Plugin In ASP.Net MVC
ASP.Net MVC 4 Features
Bundling And Minification
OAuth And Open ID

Monday, September 29, 2014

ANDROID (2 Weekend workshop) on 11th, 12th Oct 10:00AM at Marthahalli (Bangalore) by Mr. Mahesh

Android Course Content:

Android Overview and History

How it all got started
Why Android is different

Android Stack

Overview of the stack
Linux kernel
Native libraries
App framework

SDK Overview

Tools & Versions

Hello World App

Creating your first project
The manifest file
Layout resource
Running your app on Emulator

Main Building Blocks

Activity lifecycle
Content Providers
Broadcast Receivers

Basic Android User Interface

XML versus Java UI
Pixels, dp and sp
Views and layouts
Common UI components
Handling user events

Android System Overview

File System

Advanced UI

List View
Autocomplete Text View
Selection components
Complex UI components
Building UI for performance
Menus and Dialogs
Graphics & animations
Web View
Custom Adapters
Multimedia in Android

Media Player
Video View
Audio Recording
Video Recording
Android Telephony

Email using JavaMailAPI
SQL Database
Introducing SQLite
SQLite Open Helper and creating a
Opening and closing a database
Working with cursors Inserts,
updates, and deletes
Android Service

Overview of services in Android
Implementing a Service
Service lifecycle
Bound versus unbound services

WiFi Service

Monitoring and managing Internet
Managing active connections
Managing WiFi


How Sensors work
Listening to Sensor readings


Controlling local Bluetooth device
Discovering and bonding with

Bluetooth devices

Managing Bluetooth connections
Communicating with Bluetooth


How to get the Vibrator Service
How to Vibrate the device


About Notifications
How to get Notification Service
Pending Intent
Broadcast Receivers
What are Broadcast Receivers
Implementing broadcast receiver
System broadcasts and how to use them

Basic Content Providers

Content provider MIME types
Searching for content
Adding, changing, and removing content
Working with content files
Google Maps

Introduction to LocationBased Services in Android
Introduction to Google Maps

Changing the GoogleView
Android emulator and Google Maps

Install Google Play services
Getting the Google Map key


Creating the SHA-1 for your signature key
Register with the Google APIs Console
Create key for your application

Google Maps Example
Create Project
Adjust layout file
Activity , Run and Test
Placing multiple position
How to track the location
How to find the distance between 2 points

Google Places

Get Google Places API Access
List of search options to get data (like airports, cafes …)
Build a Places Search Query to select particular positions
Create an AsyncTask to Fetch Place JSON Data in the Background
How to place the places data on GoogleMaps


Introduction to XML
Advantages of XML
Rules to write an XML
XML Parsers


Introduction to JSON
Advantages of JSON over XML
Syntax & Structure of JSON
Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications
different types JSON Parsers [ simple json ,
Jackson , GSON ] to parse the JSON
Web Services

Introduction to Web Service
Advantages of Web Services
Architecture of Web Service
Types of Web Services
Web Service Components
SOAP Based Web Service
How to Call SOAP Web Service
Detailed Explanation about WSDL , SOAP & UDDI
Why SOAP is not preferred for mobile Applications ?
What are the disadvantages with SOAP
Working with REST
Graphics Programing
Java Threads
Android Graphics Components
Surface View
Surface Holder
Paint class
How to Different Shapes on Surface
How to draw different resources ( images , videos , text ….) on surface
How to display animations
Sample Animations
Sample Game using Graphic components
What are the problems with built in graphics components.
introduction to different 3rd party libraries for displaying graphics , animations and game development.


Introduction to COCOS-2D
How to setup the Environment for COCOS-2D
COCOS-2D Components
Cocos-2D Actions
( CCMoveTo , CCRotateTo, CCJumpTo, CCScale ,
CCOrbit , CCBlink , CCFadeIn/Out …..)
CCSequence & CCRepeat actions.


Android automated testing
Android test strategy
How to test Android applications
What to test on Android applications
Testing preconditions
User interface tests

Which tests require an Android system to run?
Testing standard Java classes
Testing Java classes which use the Android

Android test projects and running tests
Android test projects
Creating a test project & Running tests
Google Cloud Messaging [ GCM ]
Introduction to Google Cloud Messaging
How to integrate GCM service into the SDK
Hot to get the GCM API Key
GCM Architecture
GCM components.
How to develop GCM server application in java
How to develop the GCM Client application
GCM Client dependencies.
Volley Library

Introduction Volley Library
Volley Library Advantages
Volley Library Components
How to setup the Environment
Creating Volley singleton class
Different Types of Requests
Adding request headers
Handling Volley Cache

Introduction Apache Cordova Phone Gap
Advantages of Phone Gap
Phone Gap Components
How to setup Phone Gap Environment
Sample projects on Phone Gap

CoreJava on 9th Oct (Thursday) 9:00AM at Maitrivanam(Hyd) by Mr. R.NageshwaraRao

Syllabus: I. Introduction

1. Why Java
2. Paradigms
3. Diff b/w Java & Other (C,C++)
4. Java history
5. Java features
6. Java programming format
7. Java Tokens
8. Java Statements
9. Java Data Types
10. Typecasting
11. Arrays
1. Introduction
2. Class
3. Object
4. Static Keywords
5. Constructors
6. This Key Word
7. Inheritance
8. Super Key Word
9. Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
10. Abstraction
11. Encapsulation
12. Abstract Classes
13. Interfaces
1. String
2. String Buffer
3. String Tokenizer
1. Introduction to all predefined packages
2. User Defined Packages
3. Access Specifiers
1. Introduction
2. Pre Defined Exceptions
3. Try-Catch-Finally
4. Throws, throw
5. User Defined Exception examples
1. Thread Creations
2. Thread Life Cycle
3. Life Cycle Methods
4. Synchronization
5. Wait() notify() notify all() methods
1. Introduction
2. Byte-oriented streams
3. Character – oriented streams
4. File
5. Random-access file
6. Serialization
1. Introduction
2. Socket, Server socket
3. Client –Server Communication
1. Introduction
2. Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes.
1. Introduction
2. Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
3. List interface 7 its classes
4. Set interface & its classes
5. Map interface & its classes
1. Introduction
2. Member inner class
3. Static inner class
4. Local inner class
5. Anonymous inner class
1. Introduction
2. Components
3. Event-Delegation-Model
4. Listeners
5. Layouts
6. Individual components Lable, Button, CheckBox, Radio Button.
7. Choice, List, Menu, Text Field, Text Area

1. Introduction Diff b/w awt and swing
2. Components hierarchy
3. Panes
4. Individual Swings components Jlabel
5. JButton, JTextField, JTextAres.

Hadoop on 9th Oct (Thursday) 7:30AM-8:30AM at Madhapur (Hyd) by Mr. Ramakrishna

• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept

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