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Monday, March 31, 2014

JAVA Interview FAQs by DURGA Sir (YouTube Videos)

SCJP/OCJP Vouchers are available, just 7500/-

Aptitude Training On 31 March (Monday) 12:00PM-2:00PM by Team of Experts @ S.R Nagar (Hyd)

Batch Date: March 31st @ 12:00PM to 2:00PM

Faculty: Team Of Experts

Duration: 30days (2 hours per day), 15days (4 hours per day),1 Week(8 hours per day) 

Fee:  1000 INR

Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Venue :
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143



1. Number System

2. L.C.M & H.C.F

3. Problems on Ages

4. Averages

5. Percentages

6. Ratios and Proportion

7. Profit and Loss

8. S.I and C.I

9. Time and Work

10. Time and distance

11. Permutations and combinations

12. Probability

13. Clocks and Calendar

14. Mensuration

15. Mixtures And Alliogations
16. races
17. Trains
18. Boats & Streams
19. Pipes & Cisterns
20. Partnership


1. Blood Relations

2. Directions

3. Coding and Decoding

4. Series

5. Analogy

6. Odd man out

7. Ranking

8. Cubes

9. Problem Solving

10. Syllogism

11. Logical Venn Diagrams

12. Data Sufficiency

13. Data Interpretations

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CRT On 31 March (Monday) 12:00PM-2:00PM by Team of Experts S.R Nagar (Hyd)

Batch Date: March 31st @ 12:00PM to 2:00PM

Faculty: Team Of Experts

Duration: 30 - 40 days (Daily two hours)   

Fee:  1500 INR
Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Venue :
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143



1. Number System

2. L.C.M & H.C.F

3. Problems on Ages

4. Averages

5. Percentages

6. Ratios and Proportion

7. Profit and Loss

8. S.I and C.I

9. Time and Work

10. Time and distance

11. Permutations and combinations

12. Probability

13. Clocks and Calendar

14. Mensuration

15. Mixtures And Alliogations
16. races
17. Trains
18. Boats & Streams
19. Pipes & Cisterns
20. Partnership


1. Blood Relations

2. Directions

3. Coding and Decoding

4. Series

5. Analogy

6. Odd man out

7. Ranking

8. Cubes

9. Problem Solving

10. Syllogism

11. Logical Venn Diagrams

12. Data Sufficiency

13. Data Interpretations

Soft Skills

Resuming Building Tips


Mock Interviews

Personality Development

CRT Verbal Ability

1. Vocabulary

a. Synonyms

b. Antonyms

c. Idioms and Phrases

d. Foreign idiomatic expressions

e. One Word Substitutes

2.Spotting errors

3. Sentence Completion

4. Word Analogy

5. Reading Comprehension (Passages)

6. Theme detection

7. Ordering of Sentences ( Jumbled Sentences)

Key features

Unlimited online practice Tests (

100+ company papers CD

Printed Material for each and every topic

Topic wise Hand Outs for class room discussion

Expert faculty

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Core Java On 1 April (Tuesday) 7:00AM-9:00AM by Mr.Ratan @ Madhapur(Hyd)

Batch Date: April 1st @ 7:00AM to 9:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Rathan

Duration: 1month

Only Core Java: Rs 1500 /-
Basic Java Package (Core Java + Adv.Java + Oracle): RS 3000 /-
Complete Java Package   (Core Java + Adv.Java + Oracle Struts + Hibernate + Spring + Webserivices + Design Patterns + Java Real Time Tools,.....) (One year validity) Rs 5000 /-
Location : Madhapur, Hyderabad.
Venue :
Plot No : 58,
IInd Floor ,
Sai Nagar,
Madhapur, Hyderabad-500034.
Ph.No : 9505905786
I. Introduction

1. Why Java
2. Paradigms
3. Diff b/w Java & Other (C,C++)
4. Java history
5. Java features
6. Java programming format
7. Java Tokens
8. Java Statements
9. Java Data Types
10. Typecasting
11. Arrays
1. Introduction
2. Class
3. Object
4. Static Keywords
5. Constructors
6. This Key Word
7. Inheritance
8. Super Key Word
9. Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
10. Abstraction
11. Encapsulation
12. Abstract Classes
13. Interfaces
1. String
2. String Buffer
3. String Tokenizer
1. Introduction to all predefined packages
2. User Defined Packages
3. Access Specifiers
1. Introduction
2. Pre Defined Exceptions
3. Try-Catch-Finally
4. Throws, throw
5. User Defined Exception examples
1. Thread Creations
2. Thread Life Cycle
3. Life Cycle Methods
4. Synchronization
5. Wait() notify() notify all() methods
1. Introduction
2. Byte-oriented streams
3. Character – oriented streams
4. File
5. Random-access file
6. Serialization
1. Introduction
2. Socket, Server socket
3. Client –Server Communication
1. Introduction
2. Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes.
1. Introduction
2. Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
3. List interface 7 its classes
4. Set interface & its classes
5. Map interface & its classes
1. Introduction
2. Member inner class
3. Static inner class
4. Local inner class
5. Anonymous inner class
1. Introduction
2. Components
3. Event-Delegation-Model
4. Listeners
5. Layouts
6. Individual components Lable, Button, CheckBox, Radio Button.
7. Choice, List, Menu, Text Field, Text Area

1. Introduction Diff b/w awt and swing
2. Components hierarchy
3. Panes
4. Individual Swings components Jlabel
5. JButton, JTextField, JTextAres.

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Hibernate On 2 April (Wednesday) 7:00AM-8:00AM by Mr. Ganesh @ Madhapur(Hyd)

Batch Date: April 2nd @ 7:00AM to 8:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Ganesh

Duration: 1 month

Fee:  1500 INR

Location : Madhapur, Hyderabad.
** Complete material will be provided....
Venue :
Plot No : 58,
IInd Floor ,
Sai Nagar,
Madhapur, Hyderabad-500034.
Ph.No : 9505905786

  • Key Features of Hibernate

    • Enterprise Application Architecture.

    • ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

    • Hibernate Architecture.

    • Mapping and Configuration files in Hibernate.

    • Installation, Simple Hibernate Application Requirements.

    • Introduction to IDE.
    • Hello World program in Hibernate
    • Hello World program in Hibernate using eclipse
• Simple CRUD operations.

• Important methods of Session Interface.

• <generator> element.

• State of Objects in Hibernate.

• Inheritance mapping
    • Table per class
    • Table per sub class
    • Table per concrete class
• HQL (Hibernate Query Language).

• Criteria Query.

• Native SQL Query.

• Named Query.

• Relationships in Hibernate.
    • One to One
    • One to Many
    • Many to One
    • Many to Many
• Hibernate Caching Mechanism
    • First level cache
    • Second level cache
• Hibernate Annotations.

• Integration of Hibernate with Servlets and Struts.

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Hadoop On 2 April (Wednesday) 5:00PM-7:00PM by Mr. Rama Krishna @ S.R Nagar (Hyd)

Batch Date: April 2nd @ 5:00PM to 7:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Rama Krishna

Duration: 1 month

Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Fee: 2000 INR
Venue :
Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,
Contact no: 80 96 96 96 96.

• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept

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Collections Framework (1Week Workshop) On 2 April (Wednesday) 11:00AM-1:00PM by Mr. Srikanth @ S.R Nagar (Hyd)

Batch Date: April 2nd @ 11:00AM to 1:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Srikanth

Duration: 1 week workshop

Fee:  600 INR

Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Venue :
23/3RT IInd Floor,
Opp.Andhra Bank,
Near Umesh Chandra Statue,
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 09246212143


After Completion This WrokShop You Can Answer All The Below Questions:
1. What are limitation of object Arrays?

2. What are differences between arrays and collections?

3. What are differences between arrays and ArrayList?

4. What are differences between arrays and Vector?

5. What is Collection API?

6. What is Collection framework?

7. What is difference between Collections and Collection?

8. Explain about Collection interface?

9. Explain about List interface?

10. Explain about Set interface?

11. Explain about SortedSet interface?

12. Explain about NavigableSet?

13. Explain about Queue interface?

14. Explain about Map interface?

15. Explain about SortedMap?

16. Explain about NavigableMap?

17. Explain about ArrayList class?

18. What is RandomAccess Interface?

19. Explain about LinkedList class?

20. Explain about Vector class?

21. What is difference between ArrayList and Vector?

22. How we can get synchronized version of ArrayList?

23. What is difference between size and capacity of a Collection Object?

24. What is difference between ArrayList and Linked List?

25. What are legacy classes and interfaces present in Collections framework?

26. What is difference Enumeration and Iterator?

27. What are limitations of Enumeration?

28. What is difference between enum and Enumeration?

29. What is difference between Iterator and ListIterator?

30. What is relation between ListIterator and Iterator?

31. Explain about HashSet class?

32. If we are trying to insert duplicate values in Set what will happen?

33. What is LinkedHashSet?

34. What is difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet?

35. What are major enhancements in 1.4 version of collection frame work?

36. Explain about TreeSet?

37. What are differences between List and Set interfaces?

38. What is Comparable interface?

39. What is Comparator interface?

40. What are differences between Comparable and Comparator?

41. What is difference between HashSet and TreeSet?

42. What is Entry interface?

43. Explain about HashMap?

44. Explain about LinkedHashMap?

45. What are the differences between HashMap and LinkedHashMap?

46. What are the differences between HashMap and Hashtable?

47. What is IdentityHashMap?

48. What is difference between HashMap and IdentityHashMap?

49. What is WeakHashMap?

50. What is difference between HashMap and WeakHashMap?

51. What is TreeMap?

52. What is Hashtable?

53. What is PriorityQueue?

54. What is Arrays class?

55. We are planning to do an indexed search in a list of objects. Which of the two Java collections should you use: ArrayList or LinkedList?

56. Why ArrayList is faster than Vector?

57.How we can sort the elements of list?

58.How we can reverse the order of elements of a list?

59. Explain about Collections class?

60.What is the b/w reverse () and reverseOrder () present in Collections class?

61. xplain about Arrays class?

62.How we can implement sorting for arrays?

63. Is it possible to convert collection object to Array?

64. Is it possible to convert array into ArrayList form?

65.Explain about binarySearch() method available in Collections and Arrays classes?

66.What is the difference b/w index and insertion point?

67.What is load-factor?

Check for more info.......

Spring On 3 April (Thursday) 7:00AM by Mr. Natraz @ Maitrivanam(Hyd)

Batch Date: April 3rd @ 7:00AM to 9:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Nataraz

Duration: 50 days (Dialy two hours)

Fee:  1500 INR

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.
Venue :
Plot No : 505,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143

Topics Detailed
1 Introduction to
What is Spring

How Spring fits into the Enterprise world

Spring Modules
2 Spring Core

•What is a Core Container
• Introduction to IOC
• Types of DI
• Setter VS Constructor
• Resolving Constructor Confusion
• Collection DI
• Bean Inheritance
• Collection Merging
• Inner Beans
• Using IDRef
• Bean Aliasing
• Bean Scopes
• Inner Beans
• Null String
• Bean Auto wiring
• Nested Bean Factories
3 Spring Core

P – Namespace
• Dependency Check
• Depends On
• Factory Beans
• Static Factory Method
• Instance Factory Method
• Aware Interfaces
• Bean Lifecycle
• Method Replacement
• Lookup Method Injection
• Property Editors
• Bean Factory Postproces
4 Spring Core

• Spring VS Java Config Project annotations
• @Required
• @Autowire
• @PostConstruct
• @PreDestroy
• @Qualifier
• @Resource
• @Service
• @Controller
• @Named

Various Annotation based Post Processors
5 Spring AOP Theory/Practical

• AOP Concepts
• Programmatic VS Declarative AOP
• Programmatic AOP
i. Types of Advices
ii. Types of Pointcuts
iii. Working with proxies
• Declarative AOP
i. Using AOP 2.0 Config element
ii. OGNL Expressions
• Aspect J AOP
6 Spring Tx Theory/Practical
• Aop 2.0 Configuration driven Transaction Management
• Aspect J annotation based Transaction Management
7 Spring JDBC Theory/Practical
• What is DAO pattern?
• Ways to implement Spring DAO
• Choosing an approach for JDBC database access
• JDBC Template
• Executing Statements
• Running Queries
• SQL Parameters
8 Spring MVC Theory/Practical
• Spring 3.0 features
• Introduction to Spring MVC
• Handler Mapping
• Controllers
• Validations
• Handler Interceptors
• Views
• Form tags
9 Spring ORM   Spring Integration with ORM
• Integrating with Hibernate
• Creating and Injecting Hibernate Session Facto
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Android On 3 April (Thursday) 8:30AM-10:00AM by Mr. Mahesh @ S.R Nagar (Hyd)

Batch Date: April 3rd @ 8:30AM-10:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Mahesh

Duration: 1 Month

Fee:  1000 INR

Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Venue :
Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,


1. Why Android

Android is an open source project of the Open Handset Alliance that has revolutionised the user experience of a mobile device. With Android, it is a fact that mobile devices will have more user-friendly applications than ever before and putting the internet in the handsets of many, many people around the world. The biggest advantage is that the success of Android depends on the availability of unique and engaging user applications created by developers just like you. Practically anyone can contribute applications to the Android community, making it more possible for the world to experience your innovative ideas.
2. Our Program
Our Android program is an intensive, results focused program aimed at helping learners create applications using Google's Android™ open-source platform. The course explains what Android™ is and how it compares to other mobile environments, the setup of the Android™ Eclipse-based development tools, the Android™ SDK, all essential features, as well as the advanced capabilities and APIs such as background services, accelerometers, graphics, and GPS.
Our Android program completely involves the learners in the Android platform, allowing them to walk away fully ready to build Android applications. Our Android program includes the absolute basics required to help learners understand the very core of Android application development. If you have some prior application development expertise, you may benefit from grasping concepts even more easily. Upon completion of our Android program, the learner will be proficient in every aspect of the Android platform beginning with base kernel right up to building end-user Android applications.
3. Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Build your own Android apps
Explain the differences between Android™ and other mobile development environments
Understand how Android™ applications work, their life cycle, manifest, Intents, and using external resources
Design and develop useful Android™ applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus.
Take advantage of Android's APIs for data storage, retrieval, user preferences, files, databases, and content providers
Tap into location-based services, geo-coder, compass sensors, and create rich map-based applications
Utilize the power of background services, threads, and notifications.
Use Android's communication APIs for SMS, telephony, network management, and internet resources (HTTP).
Secure, tune, package, and deploy Android™ applications
4. Audience/Pre requisites
If you are an Engineering/Science Graduate (Mathematics/Physics) or an MCA with working knowledge of C and Operating Systems, you will benefit from our Android program.
This course is designed for software developers interested in designing, creating, deploying, and testing applications for the Android™ mobile phone platform. It is valuable to both novices and gurus, who already have experience in developing mobile applications for other platforms.
Java experience is required to get the most benefit from this training.
5.1. Intro to Android

Android Overview and History

  • How it all got started
  • Why Android is different (and important)
Android Stack
  • Overview of the stack
  • Linux kernel
  • Native libraries

  • Dalvik

  • App framework

  • Apps
SDK Overview
  • Platforms

  • Tools

  • Versions
Hello World App
  • Creating your first project
  • The manifest file
  • Layout resource
  • Running your app on Emulator
Main Building Blocks
  • Activities
  • Activity lifecycle
  • Intents
  • Services
  • Content Providers
  • Broadcast Receivers
Basic Android User Interface
  • XML versus Java UI
  • Views and layouts
  • Common UI components
  • Handling user events
Android system Overview
  • Preferences
  • Notifications
  • File System
  • Security model
Advanced UI
  • Selection components
  • Adapters
  • UI components
  • Menus and Dialogs
  • Graphics & Animations
  • Building UI for performance
Multimedia in Android
  • Multimedia Supported audio formats
  • Simple media playback
  • Supported video formats
  • Simple video playback
SQL Database
  • Introducing SQLite
  • SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
  • Opening and closing a database
  • Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
Basic Content Providers
  • Content provider MIME types
  • Adding, changing, and removing content
  • Working with content files
5.2. Advanced Android
Custom Content Providers
  • Why Content Providers
  • Where the content comes from
  • Implementing the API Supporting content files
Location Services
  • Working with the Location Manager
  • Working with Google Maps extensions
  • Overview of services in Android
  • Implementing a Service
  • Service lifecycle
  • Bound versus unbound services
Broadcast Receivers
  • What are Broadcast Receivers
  • Implementing broadcast receiver
  • System broadcasts and how to use them
Intent Filters
Role of filters
  • Intent-matching rules
  • Filters in your manifest
  • Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
  • Working with web services Best practices
  • How Sensors work
  • Listening to Sensor readings
  • Best practices for performance
  • Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
  • Managing active connections
  • Managing WiFi
  • Making calls
  • Monitoring data connectivity and activity
  • Accessing phone properties and status
  • Controlling the phone
  • Taking pictures
  • Rendering previews
  • Controlling local Bluetooth device
  • Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
  • Managing Bluetooth connections
  • Communicating with Bluetooth
Content Providers
Google Maps
Google places
WebServices (SOAP & REST)
  • XML
  • JSON
Graphics Programing with built in components
Graphics Programing with COCOS-2d
Automated Testing

JSP On 3 April (Thursday) 9:00AM by Mr. Nagoor Babu @ Maitrivanam(Hyd)

Batch Date: April 3rd @ 9:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Nagoor Babu

Duration: 20 days

Fee:  750 INR

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.
Venue :
Plot No : 302,
IIIrd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143

1. Introduction
2. Jsp LifeCycle
3. Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes
4. Jsp Directives
5. Jsp Scripting Elements    
6. Jsp Actions
               a.Standard Actions
                              1. useBean tag
                              2. setProperty tag
                              3. getProperty tag
                              4. include tag
                              5. forward tag
                              6. param tag
                              7. plug-in tag
                              8. params tag                   
                              9. fallback tag                   
                            10. directives tag
                            11. scriptlet tag
                            12. expression tag
               b.Custom Actions
                            1. Classic Tags
                            2. Simple Tags
7. JSTL & Tag Library 

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