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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hadoop on 26 Feb( Wednesday) 7:00PM-9:00PM by Mr. Ramakrishna @ S.R Nagar Hyderabad

Batch Date: Feb 26th @ 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Rama Krishna

Duration: 1 month (Daily two hours)           

Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Fee: 2000 INR
Venue :
Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,
Contact no: 80 96 96 96 96.

• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept
Check for more info..........



Spring on 27 Feb (Thursday) 7:00PM-9:00PM by Mr. Sriman @ Maitrivanam Hyderabad

Batch Date: Feb 27th @ 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Sriman

Duration: 60 days (Dialy two hours)

Fee:  1500 INR

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.
Venue :
Plot No : 202,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143

Topics Detailed
1 Introduction to
What is Spring

How Spring fits into the Enterprise world

Spring Modules
2 Spring Core

•What is a Core Container
• Introduction to IOC
• Types of DI
• Setter VS Constructor
• Resolving Constructor Confusion
• Collection DI
• Bean Inheritance
• Collection Merging
• Inner Beans
• Using IDRef
• Bean Aliasing
• Bean Scopes
• Inner Beans
• Null String
• Bean Auto wiring
• Nested Bean Factories
3 Spring Core

P – Namespace
• Dependency Check
• Depends On
• Factory Beans
• Static Factory Method
• Instance Factory Method
• Aware Interfaces
• Bean Lifecycle
• Method Replacement
• Lookup Method Injection
• Property Editors
• Bean Factory Postproces
4 Spring Core

• Spring VS Java Config Project annotations
• @Required
• @Autowire
• @PostConstruct
• @PreDestroy
• @Qualifier
• @Resource
• @Service
• @Controller
• @Named

Various Annotation based Post Processors

5 Spring AOP Theory/Practical

• AOP Concepts
• Programmatic VS Declarative AOP
• Programmatic AOP
i. Types of Advices
ii. Types of Pointcuts
iii. Working with proxies
• Declarative AOP
i. Using AOP 2.0 Config element
ii. OGNL Expressions
• Aspect J AOP
6 Spring Tx Theory/Practical
• Aop 2.0 Configuration driven Transaction Management
• Aspect J annotation based Transaction Management
7 Spring JDBC Theory/Practical
• What is DAO pattern?
• Ways to implement Spring DAO
• Choosing an approach for JDBC database access
• JDBC Template
• Executing Statements
• Running Queries
• SQL Parameters
8 Spring MVC Theory/Practical
• Spring 3.0 features
• Introduction to Spring MVC
• Handler Mapping
• Controllers
• Validations
• Handler Interceptors
• Views
• Form tags
9 Spring ORM   Spring Integration with ORM
• Integrating with Hibernate
• Creating and Injecting Hibernate Session Factory
• Managing Transaction
10 Q & A   Question and Answers

Check for more info.........

ORACLE 11g 28 Feb (Friday) 3:00PM byMr. Krishna Reddy @ S.R Nagar Hyderabad

Batch Date: 28th Feb @ 3:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Krishna Reddy

Duration: 45 days (Daily Two Hours)   

Fee:  1000 INR

Venue :

Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,
Contact no: 80 96 96 96 96.
Course pattern:
• Hand Notes will be provided
• Daily assignments
• Advanced features in Oracle
• Programs as per coding standards followed in CMM LEVEL 5 companies
• Using TOAD (Tool For Oracle Application Development) in training
• Discussions on FAQ’s

Introduction to DBMS:
• Approach to data management
• Introduction to prerequisites
• File and file system
• Disadvantages of file
• Review of database management terminology
• Database models
  • Hierarchal model
  • Network model
  • Relational model

Introduction to RDBMS: • Feature of RDBMS
• Advantages of RDBMS over FMS ad DBMS
• The 12 rules (E.F codd’s Rules – RDBMS)
• Need for database design
• Support of normalization process for data management

  • Client server technology
  • Oracle corporation products
  • Oracle versions
Sub language commands:
• Data definition language (DDL)
• Data retrieval language (DRL)
• Data manipulation language (DML)
• Transaction control language (TCL)
• Database security and privileges (DCL)

Introduction to SQL Database Object:
• Oracle predefined data types
• DDL Commands

  • Create, alter (add,modify,rename,drop)
  • columns, drop
• Working with DML,DRL Commands
• Operators support
  • DML-Insert,update,delete
  • DQL-SELECT statements sing WHERE Clause
  • Comparison and conditional operations
  • Arithmetic and logical operations
  • Special operators – IN (NOT IN),
Built in functions:
• Arithmetic functions, character functions, date functions
• Aggregate functions, OLAP functions & general functions

Grouping the result of a query:
• Using group by and having clause of DRL statement
• Using order by clause

Working with integrity constraints:
• Importance of data integrity
• Support of integrity constraints for relating table in RDBMS
• Working with different types of integrity constraints

  • NOT NULL constraint
  • UNIQUE constraint
  • PRIMARY KEY constraint
  • FOREIGN KEY constraint
  • CHECK constraint
  • REF constraint
  • Understanding ON DELETE clause in referential integrity constraint
  • Working with composite constraint
  • Applying DEFAULT option to columns
  • Working with mujltiple constraints upon a colume
  • Adding constraints to a table
  • Dropping of constraints
  • Enabling for constraints
  • Querying for constraint information
Querying multiple table (Joins):
• Equi join/inner join/simple join
• Cartesian join
• Non-equi join
• Outer joins
• Self join

Working with sub queries:
• Understanding the practical approach to sub queries/nested select/sub select/inner
select/outer select
• What is the purpose of a sub query?
• Sub query principle and usage
• Type of sub queries

  • Single row
  • Multiple row
  • Multiple column
• Applying group functions in sub queries
• The impact of having clause in sub queries
• IN,ANY/SOME,ALL operators in sub queries
• PAIR WISE and NON PAIR WISE comparison in sub queries
• Be … aware of NULL’s
• Correlated sub queries
• Handling data retrieval with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators

Working with DCL,TCL commands:
• Grant, revoke
• Commit, rollback, savepoint
• SQL Editor commands
• SQL Environment settings

Maintaining database objects:
VIEWS in oracle:
Understanding the standards of VIEWS in oracle
• Types of VIEWS

  • Relational views
  • Object views
• Prerequisites to work with views
• Practical approach of SIMPLE VIEWS and COMPLES VIEWS
• Column definitions in VIEWS
• Using VIEWS for DML operations
• In-line view
• Forced views
• Putting CHECK constraint upon VIEWS
• Creation of READ ONLY VIEWS
• Understanding the IN LINE VIEWS
• About materialized views
• View triggers
• Working with sequences
• Working with synonyms
• Working with index and clusters
• Creating cluster tables, implementing locks

Pseudo columns in oracle:
• Understanding pseudo columns in oracle
• Types of pseudo columns in oracle


Data partitions & parallels process: • Types of partitions
  • Range partitions
  • Hash partitions
  • List partition
  • Composite partition
  • Parallel query process
• Locks
  • Row level locks
  • Table level locks
  • Shared lock
  • Exclusive lock
  • Dead lock
• SQL*Loader:
  • SQL*Loader architecture
  • Data file (Input datafiles)
  • Control file
  • Bad file
  • Discard file
  • Log file
  • .txt to bse table
  • .csv to base table
  • From more than one file to single table

• Introduction to programming languages
• Introduction to PL/SQL
• PL/SQL Architecture
• PL/SQL Data types
• Variable and constants
• Using built_in functions
• Conditional and unconditional statements

  • Simple IF,ELSIF, ELSE…IF
  • Selection case, simple case, GOTO label and EXIT
• Iterations in PL/SQL
• SQL within PL/SQL
• Composite data types (complete)
• Cursor management in PL/SQL
  • Implicit cursors
  • Explicit cursors
  • Cursor attributes
  • Cursor with parameters
  • Cursors with LOOPs
  • Cursors with sub queries
  • Ref.cursors
• Record and PL/SQL Table types

Advanced PL/SQL
Procedures in PL/SQL:
• PROCEDURE with prameters (IN,OUT and IN OUT)
• POSITIONAL Notation and NAMED Notation
• Procedure with cursors
• Dropping a procedure

Functions in PL/SQL
• Difference between procedures and functions
• User defined functions
• Nested functions
• Using stored function in SQL statements

Packages in PL/SQL:
• Creating PACKAGE specification and PACKAGE body
• Private and public objects in PACKAGE

Types of exceptions:
• User defined exceptions
• Pre defined exceptions
• SQL Error code values

Data base triggers in PL/SQL:
Types of triggers
• Row level triggers
• Statement level triggers
• DDL Triggers
• Trigger auditing

File input/output:
• PL/SQL file I/O (input/output) using UTL_FILE package
Implementing object technology
• What is object technology?
• OOPS-object instances
• Creation of objects
• Creating user defined data types
• Creating object tables
• Inserting rown in a table using objects
• Retrieving data from object based tables
• Calling a method
• Indexing abstract data type attributes

Using LOBS
• Large objects (LOBS)
• Creting tables-LOB
• Working with LOB values
• Inserting, updating & Deleting values in LOBs
• Populating lobis DBMS_LOB routines
• Using B-FILE

Using collections
• Advantages of collection
• Ref cursor (dynamic cursor)
• Weak ref cursor
• Strong ref cursor
• Nested tables VARRAYS or VARYING arrays
• Creating tables using nested tables
• Inserting, updating & deleting nested table records
• Nested table in PL/SQL

Oracle data base architecture
• Introduction to oracle database architecture
• Physical structures logical structures
• DB Memory structures background process
• 2tire, 3tire, N-tier architecture

Advanced features
• 9i joines
• New date function
• Rename column
• Inner join/natural join
• Left outer join/right outer join
• Full outer join
• Multiple inserts
• Insert all command
• Merge statement
• CASE expression of select command
• Temporary tables/global tables
• New function EXTRACT()
• Autonomous traction
• Pragma_autonomous_transaction()
• Returning into clause
• Bulk collect
• About flash back queries
• Dynamic SQL
• New 11g features

• Data base
• Table space
• Types of tablespaces
• Datafiles/se

Check for more info.............



Strtus (2days Workshop) on 1st, 2nd March (Saturday, Sunday) 9:00AM-6:00PM by Mr. Naveen @ S.R Nagar Hyderabad

Batch Date: March 1st & 2nd @ 9:00AM to 6:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Naveen

Duration: 2 days workshop

Fee: Rs 1500 /-

Location : SR Nagar, Hyderabad.
Venue :
Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,

MVC architectures
   MVC(view-Controller- model)
   MVC models
              1.  jsp Model1(html/jsp-jsp-model(dao))
               2. jsp Model2(html/jsp-Servlet-model(dao))
              3.  jsp Model3(html/jsp-Filter-model(dao))
              4.  jsp Model2(html/jsp-jspCustomtags-model(dao))
   MVC2(view-Controller- business-model(dao))
Design Patterns involved in struts
   Composite View
   Front Controller
   Application Controller
   View Helper
   Command Pattern
Framework: semi developed applications
2. About Struts
   validation support
   Action Support (for different kinds of events forword, include, download, switch, event,    lookup, mapping)
Tiles Framework feature
3. Struts Architecture
struts1.3 directory structure
web.xml configurations
struts-config.xml configurations
struts-html tags
struts-bean tags
struts-tiles tags
ActionServlet class
RequestProcessor class
ModuleConfig interface
4. ActionForm classes:validate(),reset() methods
a. ActionForm
b. DynaActionForm
c. DynaValidatorForm
d. DynaValidatorActionForm
e. ValidatorForm
5. Action-support classes:
a) Action class
b) DispatchAction(EventDispatchAction, LookupDispatchAction, MappingDispatchAction)
c) DownloadAction,
d) ForwardAction, IncludeAction,
e) LocaleAction,
f) SwitchAction,
g) TilesAction,
1.struts simple form processing
2.example using struts html fileds,bean fields
3.Internationalization example
4.Global exceptions example
6.Validator Form
7.Action class,Forword,Include Actions
8.Dispatch action event,lookup,Mapping Dispatch action example
9.switch action,Download action

Evolution of Struts 2:
1. Core components
a) interceptors
b) valueStack
c) ActionContext
d) ActionInvocation
2.struts 2 architecture
3. struts2 tag library
4.struts 2 validation
5.struts 2 actions
6.struts 2 I18N
Check for more info............

MultiThreading (2days Workshop) on 1st, 2nd March (Saturday, Sunday) 7:00AM-8:00PM byMr. Durga @ S.R Nagar Hyderabad

Batch Date: March 1st & 2nd @ 7:00AM to 1:00PM & 4:00 to 8:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Durga Sir

Duration: 2 days (Daily Ten Hours)           

Fee:  400 INR

*Note: Attend All Weekend (Six Weekends) Workshops Just @ 2000INR Only at S.R Nagar
Venue :
Unian bank building
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,
Contact no: 80 96 96 96 96.


Ways to define, instantiate, Start a new Thread.
Getting and Setting name of a Thread.
Thread Priorities.
The Methods to Prevent a Thread From Execution.
  • yield( )

  • join( )

  • Sleep ( )
Inter-Thread Communication.
Daemon Threads
After Completion This WrokShop You Can Answer All The Below Questions:
1) What is multitasking?

2) What is multithreading and explain its application areas?

3) What is advantage of multithreading?

4)When compared with c++ what is the advantage in java with respect to multithreading?

5) In how many ways we can define a thread?

6)Among extending Thread and implementing Runnable which approach is recommended?

7) Difference b/w t.start () and ()?

8) Explain about thread Scheduler?

9) If we are not overriding run () what will happen?

10) Is it possible overloading of run ()?

11) Is it possible to override a start () method and what will happen?

12) Explain life cycle of a thread?

13) What is the importance of Thread class start () method?

14) After starting a thread if we try to restart the same Thread once again what will happen?

15) Explain Thread class constructors?

16) How to get and set name of a thread?

17) Who uses thread priorities?

18) Default priority for main thread?

19) Once we create a new thread what is its priority?

20) How to get priority from thread and set priority to a thread?

21) If we are trying to set priority of thread as 100, what will happen?

22) If two threads having different priority then which thread will get chance first for execution?

23) If two threads having same priority then which thread will get chance first for execution?

24) How we can prevent thread from execution?

25) What is yield () and Explain its purpose?

26) Is join is overloaded?

27) Purpose of sleep () method?

28) What is synchronized keyword? Explain its advantages and disadvantages?

29) What is object lock and when it is required?

30) What is a class level lock when it is required?

31) While a thread executing any synchronized method on the given object is it possible to execute remaining synchronized methods on the same object simultaneously by other thread?

32) Difference b/w synchronized method and static synchronized method?

33) Advantages of synchronized block over synchronized method?

34) What is synchronized statement?

35) How two threads will communicate with each other?

36) wait (), notify (), notifyAll () are available in which class?

37) Why wait (), notify (), notifyAll () methods are defined in Object instead of thread class?

38) Without having the lock is it possible to call wait ()?

39) If a waiting thread gets notification then it will enter into which state?

40) In which methods thread can release lock?

41) Explain wait (), notify () & notifyAll ()?

42) Difference between notify () & notifyAll ()?

43) Once a thread gives notification then which waiting thread will get a chance?

44) How a thread can interrupt another thread?

45) What is deadlock? Is it possible to resolve deadlock situation?

46) Which keyword causes deadlock situation?

47) How we can stop a thread explicitly?

48) Explain about suspend () and resume ()?

49) What is starvation and explain difference between deadlock & starvation?

50) What is race condition?

51) What is daemon thread? Give an example purpose of Daemon Thread?

52) How we can check daemon nature of a Thread? Is it possible to change Daemon nature of a Thread? Is main thread daemon (or) non-daemon?

53) Explain about ThreadGroup?

54) What is ThreadLocal?
 Check for more info...........

HADOOP (2Weekends Workshop) on 1st, 2nd March (Saturday, Sunday) 9:00AM-5:00PM byMr. Ramakrishna @ S.R Nagar Hyderabad

Batch Date: March 1st & 2nd & 8th & 9th @ 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Rama Krishna

Duration: 2 Weekends Workshop

Location : S.R Nagar, Hyderabad.
Fee: 2000 INR
Venue :
Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Ploce Station,
Contact no: 80 96 96 96 96.

• BigData
  • What is BigData
  • Characterstics of BigData
  • Problems with BigData
  • Handling BigData
• Distributed Systems
  • Introduction to Distributed Systems
  • Problems with Existing Distributed Systems to deal BigData
  • Requirements of NewApprocach
  • HADOOP history
• HADOOP Core Concepts
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
• HADOOP Cluster
  • Install Pseudo cluster
  • Install Multi node cluster
  • Configuration Introduction to HADOOP Cluster
  • The Five Deamons working
    • NameNode
    • JobTracker
    • SecondaryNameNode
    • TaskTracker
    • DataNode
  • Introduction to HADOOP EcoSystem projects
• Writing MapReduce programs
  • Understanding HADOOP API
  • Basic programs of HADOOP MapReduce ApplicationForm
    - Driver Code
    - Mapper Code
    - Reducer Code
  • Eclipse intigration with HADOOP for Rapid Application Development
• Understanding ToolRunner
  • More about ToolRunner
  • Combiner
  • Reducer
  • configure and close methods
• Common MapReduce Algorithems
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Indexing
  • TF-IDF
  • Word_CoOccurance
• HADOOP EcoSystem
  • Flume
  • Sqoop
  • Importing data from RDBMS using sqoop
  • Hive
  • Introduction to hive
  • Creating tables in hive
  • Running queries
  • Pig
  • Introduction to pig
  • Different modes of pig
  • when to use hive and when to use pig
  • Basics of HBASE
• Advanced MapReduce Programming
  • Developing custom Writable
  • Developing custom WritableComparable
  • Understanding Input Output formats
• Introduction to Ooziee
• Hands ons Exercise for each concept
Check for more info.......... MVC (2weekends Workshop) on 1, 2 March (Saturday, Sunday) 7:00AM by Mr. Anil @ Maitrivanam Hyderabad

Batch Date: March 1st, 2nd @ 7:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Anil Kumar

Duration: 2 weekends workshop

Fee:  300 INR

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.
Venue :

CanaraBank Building 2nd Floor,
Opp: Dhanalakshmi Bank
Hyderabad - 500038,
Ph.No : 040 - 64512786, 80 96 96 96 96

Introduction To Web Applications
Types of Applications – Desktop, Web , Mobile and Service Oriented Applications
Java Script
What is Webserver and its Purpose
IIS Web Server and Configuring IIS Web Server
What is Virtual Directory and How To Create It
Introduction To ASP.Net
What is ASP.Net and How To Create ASP.Net Web Pages
How The Request For An ASP.Net Page Is Processed
Request and Response Objects
Page Submission Methods Post and Get
ASP.Net Page Postback

Creating ASP.Net Web Pages In Visual Studio.Net
How to create ASP.Net Website in Visual Studio.Net
In page and Code Behind Techniques
Client Side and Server Side Controls
HTML Server Controls and Web Server Controls
Standard Web Server Controls – TextBox, Button, Label, Listbox, DropDownList, CheckBox, RadioButton, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList, Image, LinkButton, ImageButton, HyperLink, View , MultiView, AdRotator, Calendar and FileUpload
Types of Validations – Client Side Validations and Server Side Validations
Validation Controls – RequiredFieldValidator, CompareValidator, RangeValidator, CustomValidator, RegularExpressionValidator and ValidationSummary
Validation Groups

History of Database Technologies By Microsoft
ADO.Net Data Providers
ADO.Net Architecture
Disconnected Architecture
Connected Architecture
Creating Connection To Various Data Sources
Examples with Disconnected and Connected Architecture
Calling Stored Sub Programs using ADO.Net
Connection Pooling
Web.Config File and its use related to ADO.Net
Data Bound Controls Of ASP.Net
ASP.Net Worker Process and Page Life Cycle
State Management
What is State Management?
Client Side State Management Techniques
Query String Parameters
Server Side State Management Techniques
Session State Management
Configuring Session State in Web.Config File
Session Object and its Members
In Process and Out Of Process Sessions
State Server
SQL Server
Application State Management
Handling Session and Application Events
Page Output Caching
Cache Location
File Dependency
DataSource Caching
Data Caching
Cache Object and Its Members
File Dependency
Sql Cache Dependency
Polling Sql Cache Dependency
Push Sql Cache Dependency
Partial Page Caching
Post Cache Substitution
ASP.Net User Controls
Security In ASP.Net
What is Authenticatin and Authorization
Types of Authentication
Implementing Forms Authentication
Configuring Forms Authentication In Web.Config File
FormsAuthentication Class and its Members
Implementing Security With Login Controls
Web Parts In ASP.Net
Localization and Globalization
Master Pages
Creating Master Pages and Content Pages
Accessing Master Page Content From Content Page
Dynamic Master Pages
How To Create themes and apply them to pages
Dynamic themes
Global themes
Mobile Application Development In ASP.Net
Introduction to mobile web app
Different ways to create mobile web apps
ASP.Net Web Application Deployment
Check for more info......



JUNIT(Java Real TimeTool) (Free workshop) (With Printed material) on 2 March (Sunday) 9:00AM by Mr. Natraj @ S.R Nagar Hyderabad

Batch Date: March 2nd @ 9:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Natraj

Duration: Free workshop

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.
* with Free printed material
Venue :
Plot No : 505,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143

  • Unit Testing
  • Terminology
  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Installation of JUnit
  • Introduction to JUnit API
    • Test
    • TestCase
    • Assert
    • TestRunner
    • TestSuite
  • Preparation
  • Create a Java class
  • Create a JUnit test
  • Run your test cases
  • Run your test via code
  • Static imports with Eclipse
  • Annotations
  • Assert statement
 Check for more info.............

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